Continuing the Conversation: Can we always talk openly?

November 16, 2017 in Educate Yourself

One of the largest problems facing mental health is how we talk about it.  Therefore, when we received the following question from the Reel Teens Pittsburgh Facebook Live Town Hall event we thought it would make for a great blog post.

Can we always talk openly about this?IMG_6937[1]

This is an important question, and one that others have also tried to address. wrote an article back in 2013 about how should we talk about mental health. In the article, asked several mental health experts about how we should go about discussing mental health, and these were their answers:

  1. End the stigma
  2. Avoid connections between criminality and mental illness
  3. But do connect more between mental illness and suicide
  4. Avoids words like “crazy” or “psycho”
  5. If you feel comfortable talking about your own experience with mental health, by all means, do so
  6. Don’t define a person by his/her mental illnesses
  7. Separate the person from the problem
  8. Sometimes the problem isn’t that we’re using the wrong words, but that we’re not talking at all
  9. Recognize the amazing contributions of people with mental health differences
  10. Humor helps, when appropriate and used with skill and sensitivity

Number 5 on the list is extremely important. While it is essential to openly discuss mental health, we must be aware of the cues from others.  For example, we might be comfortable talking about mental health or sharing our own experience, but that does not mean everybody is ready. Also, even if we mean well, it is important to not put pressure on others to tell you anything they’re not ready to talk about. Talking can take a lot of trust and courage. You might be the first person they have been able to talk to about this. If someone doesn’t want to talk about mental health, try not to take it personally. It can be difficult, but it is important to keep trying. Other tips for openly talking about mental health include:

  • Be respectful, compassionate and empathetic
  • Be an active, attentive listener (e.g., make eye contact)
  • Give others the opportunity to talk
  • Be aware of a person becoming upset or confused by the conversation
  • Ask appropriate questions
  • Speak in a relaxed and calm tone

Things to avoid doing:

  • Criticizing, blaming or raising your voice
  • Talking too much
  • Being sarcastic
  • Assuming things
  • Showing hostility
  • Acting superior

One of the keys in reducing the stigma attached to mental illness is education, which often starts with communication.  Communication helps reduce the negative ideas and beliefs surrounding mental illness and those who suffer from it. Therefore, it is extremely important, and encouraged, for us to continue talking openly about mental health conditions. However, words do matter and we have to do our best to avoid stigmatizing statements by following the tips above. Remember, you do not have to be an expert to talk or listen to someone about mental health.

Do you have any of your own tips or suggestions for openly talking about mental health? Do you agree this is a conversation we should be having? Please let us know below if you have any questions or thoughts about the subject of today’s post! 

Continuing the Conversation: How will we know?

November 15, 2017 in Educate Yourself

The following question was submitted during last week’s Reel Teens Pittsburgh Facebook Live Town Hall event:

“How do we know it when we see it or feel it and what do we do?”

This is an important question because often people feel they should wait to seek treatment until they can’t handle things on their own anymore.

But how will I know when I should seek help? 

Photo Credit: yoohamoronx Flickr via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: yoohamoronx Flickr via Compfight cc

First, it’s always okay to seek help – even if you’re not sure if you are experiencing a specific mental health problem. Almost everyone can benefit from receiving professional help at some point in their lives. However, it might be time to reach out to someone when you are having trouble managing, you’re overwhelmed or when your thoughts and feelings are limiting your daily functioning. There are a wide range of signs, but if you are feeling any or a combination of the following things, it might be time to talk to someone.

  • Feeling intensely sad, angry or otherwise “not yourself.” Sometimes the signs are obvious but at other times, something may feel slightly off and you can’t figure out what it is.
  • Substance abuse such as alcohol, drugs or food
  • You’ve lost someone or something important to you
  • Something traumatic happened, and you cannot seem to stop thinking about it
  • You have unexplained and recurrent headaches, stomach aches or a rundown immune system (stress can affect you physically)
  • You’re getting negative feedback at school or from work
  • You feel disconnected from previously enjoyed activities
  • Your relationships are strained
  • Your friends and family have told you they’re concerned

One or two of these symptoms alone cannot predict a mental illness. However, if you are experiencing any of them, it can be useful to talk to someone. For more information about when to get help, visit Mental Health America.

How do I know when others might need help?

Mental Health America lists some of the different signs between adolescents and young adults and older adults for when it might be time to seek mental health treatment. The list can help you recognize signs for yourself, but also for others. put together a similar list for when someone might be showing signs of a mental health problem. Early warning signs include:

  • Eating or sleeping too much or too little
  • Pulling away from friends and family, as well as usual activities
  • Substance abuse
  • Yelling or fighting with friends and family
  • Problems in relationships
  • Having difficulty completing daily tasks (like getting to school or work)

What should I do if I want to seek treatment?

Learning about early warning signs and acting can help. After realizing that you might want help, the best and often the hardest place to start is by sharing your symptoms and what you’re feeling with someone you trust. Most people who seek help end up feeling better. To find out more, read ‘Continuing the Conversation: Who to go to first?

What should I do if I think someone else might need treatment? reminds us that anyone can experience mental health problems. However, there is support. It is important to familiarize yourself with the early warning signs. Then if you believe someone is experiencing a problem, try talking to them directly and encouraging them to seek help. You can offer support by:

  • Find out if the individual is currently receiving care
  • Help connect them to someone who can help them (like their primary care physician or mental health professional)
  • Educate them about available help and that mental health problems are treatable
  • Ask questions and actively listen
  • Reassure them that you care and they are not alone
  • Help them manage daily tasks and responsibilities

For more ways to support a friend or family member who is showing signs of a mental illness, visit Talk About Mental Health. There are also tips about how to start the conversation with someone about their mental health such as:

I’ve been worried about you. Can we talk about what you’re experiencing? If not, who are you comfortable talking to?


It seems like you’re going through a difficult time. How can I help you find help?

Remember, some individuals might not accept the help you offer and you cannot force them to reach out for help. If this happens, try to be patient and inform them how to seek help when they’re ready. Also, be sure to look after yourself and make sure you don’t become unwell!

If you feel it is an emergency, visit our Crisis Support Resources page.

How did you know when it was time to seek treatment or to talk to someone? What did you do? Have you ever noticed someone else might need help? Again, please leave a comment below if you have any questions or thoughts about the subject of today’s post!

Continuing the Conversation: Who to go to first?

November 14, 2017 in Educate Yourself

Today’s question from last week’s Reel Teens Pittsburgh Facebook Live Town Hall event is about who to go to for help about your mental health when you are feeling like you may want to speak to someone.  More specifically, the question asks about who to go to for help firstIMG_6922[1]

Seeking help for a mental health problem (or any problem) is a really important first step towards feeling better and staying well. Mental health conditions are real, common and treatable. However, it does not always seem like that, especially because of the stigma attached to mental health. Therefore, while many people live with symptoms and mental health conditions, often it can be hard to know how to start or who and where to turn.

Who to turn to can depend on many factors, but in general, there are often many people in an individual’s life who can offer help. These people include:

  • Teachers
  • School counselors (or university counseling services)
  • Parents
  • Other adult family members like an aunt or uncle
  • Faith leaders
  • Coaches
  • People from local mental health groups
  • Primary care physicians

These people can either directly provide you with the support and help you need, or they can refer you to outside resources or someone else who can better help you. If the first person you tell cannot help you, tell another person you trust. Help is out there and you deserve it.

As mentioned above, a primary care physician (also known as your PCP) is a good person to talk to about your mental health. Some reasons to talk to your PCP are:

  • Easier access to care (quicker appointments, more convenient)
  • Familiar with your medical history
  • Reduce or ease the stigma surrounding mental health symptoms and conditions
  • Easy access to many resources (such as a psychologist or social work in their office or screening tools)
  • Help organize and arrange your care
  • Monitor progress

Watch the following video about how to talk to your PCP about your mental health.

To find out more about seeking help for a mental health problem, visit Mental Health America or read our previously published blog post about finding the right healthcare professional. Also, check out our other two Q+A posts about seeking a mental health counseling appointment and stigma.

Remember, if you haven’t done so yet, please register for our site so you can log-in and comment. Registering is essential in helping us keep the site safe and free from bullying.

Who did you first turn to when you wanted help? What was your experience or do you have any recommendations? If you have any other questions or comments about the subject of today’s blog post or a different question, let us know! We’d love to hear from you!

Continuing the Conversation: What is Stigma?

November 13, 2017 in Educate Yourself


Last Thursday on the blog we featured the Reel Teens Pittsburgh Facebook Live Town Hall event. Then on Friday, in an effort to continue the conversation, we answered an audience member’s question about seeking a mental health counseling appointment. Now today, and for the rest of the week, we will continue to help answer questions that were submitted during the event. If you haven’t already done so, please make sure you register for our site so you can log-in and comment (also to be able to read comments made by others, you will need to register). Registering is essential in helping us keep the site safe and free from bullying.

The next question is:

“What is stigma?”

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (or NAMI) refers to stigma as “when someone, or even yourself, views a person in a negative way because they have a mental health condition.” In other words, stigma is when an individual sees another person in a disapproving way because they have a certain characteristic or personality trait that is thought to be a disadvantage.  Simply put stigma is a negative stereotype.

To help understand it better, imagine you broke your leg and society blames you. Others stare at you accusingly when you’re out in public and whisper about you behind your back. Imagine feeling scared to seek proper care because you’re worried that your partner will break up with you or you’ll lose your job if anyone finds out. People with mental health conditions deal with this type of stigma daily.

Stigma can lead to discrimination (or unfair treatment) because people often avoid individuals with mental illness. For example, obvious (or direct) discrimination can happen when someone does not rent an apartment or hire a person who has a mental health condition. However, discrimination does not always have to be obvious. Indirect discrimination occurs when someone appears to treat everyone the same, but actually does not. For example, if an individual does not sit next to a person in class because they assume the person’s mental illness makes them violent or unstable.

Many people living with mental illness do not feel comfortable talking with others about their conditions or seeking help because of stigma. Often mental health conditions are considered irresponsible or self-inflicted. However, mental illness is common and many are treatable, yet people frequently delay getting support and care because of stigma.  Unfortunately, without appropriate treatment, symptoms and conditions can worsen.

Stigma doesn’t only come from others. Individuals struggling with mental health conditions may mistakenly believe that their condition is a sign of weakness or that they should be able to control it without help.  Read our blog post about self-stigma to learn more.

Stigma is not easy.  It is complex and can be difficult to understand. It also makes coping with a mental health condition more difficult. However, the best way to fight stigma is to talk about it, interact with people experiencing mental health problems, and educate yourself, as well as others.  For other steps in dealing with stigma, visit NAMI’s StigmaFree campaign.

For other articles on stigma, read Time to ChangeAlternatives to the Language We Use or search our website.

Learn more about the millions of Americans affected by mental health conditions every year by visiting Mental Health by the Numbers:

  • 1 in 5 adults in the US experience a mental illness in a given year (or 43.8 million)
  • 1 in 5 youth aged 13–18 experiences a severe mental disorder at some point during their life

Did this help you better understand stigma? Have you ever experienced stigma directly or seen someone be stigmatized? If you have any other questions or comments about the subject of today’s blog post or another topic, please let us know! We’d love to hear from you!

Reel Teens Pittsburgh Town Hall: Continuing the Conversation

November 10, 2017 in Educate Yourself

IMG_6907[1]Yesterday, on the blog, we featured the Reel Teens Pittsburgh Facebook Live Town Hall Event.  And, as we mentioned, over the next week to help continue the conversation, we’ll be featuring articles that answer some of the questions that came up during the Town Hall. If you haven’t yet, make sure you register for our site so that you can log-in and comment. Registering is essential in helping us keep the site safe and free from bullying.

One of the questions submitted to the panel was:

“What happens during a mental health counseling appointment? I think I’m maybe depression, but am nervous to go see a counselor.”

First, you’re not alone and the nerves you’re feeling are not wrong. In fact, they’re expected, especially if it is your first time. Many people experience hesitation before starting therapy, and for this reason, we wrote a blog post about what to expect on your first day of therapy. There are many reasons why someone might be nervous, fearful or cautious when seeing a therapist. However, it is important to seek help if you’re struggling with depression. You can also see a therapist for any other reason or goal you want to achieve!

If you don’t know where to start, sometimes the best first step can be to either go to your school counselor or make an appointment to see your primary care doctor (the person you see for your physicals). They both can ask you some questions to help figure out if you are depressed. If they think it would helpful for you to see a therapist, then the first counseling appointment is basically coming in for about an hour and telling them about yourself and some of your symptoms. From then your therapist can help you decide whether it would be a good idea for you to keep coming back for more appointments. It can be helpful to think of this process as a way of getting more information. Remember, no one can make you do something you don’t want to do.

Lastly, if you need someone to talk to, call 1-800-273-TALK (8255) anytime if you are in the United States. It’s free and confidential. Find more resources on our crisis page by clicking here.

Have you had a similar experience when considering or starting therapy? Do you have any helpful advice you’d like to share? If you have any more questions or comments about the subject of today’s blog post or another topic, please let us know! We’d love to hear from you!

The Environment and Depression

November 8, 2017 in Educate Yourself

EnvironmentWhen you read an article about depression, it might mention that “environmental factors” can influence whether someone has depression. But what does that mean exactly?

The environment is everything around you. It can include: where you live, work, and play and who and what is around you. Everyone lives in the same world – but what’s around us is different.

Think about your environment and how it might be different from someone else.

Ask yourself:

  • Where did you grow up? Was it a small town? A big city? Was it safe?
  • What is your family like? Were there a lot of changes in your family? Was your family supportive?
  • What were the people around your age like? Did you consider any of them good friends who you could trust and were there for you? Did any of them pick on you?
  • Did you have access to resources to meet your daily needs?  Like somewhere to sleep? Something to eat? Someone to help you financially? Someone to take you to the places you needed to go like school or the doctor? Someone who would listen to you and be there for you when you needed it?
  • What did you think about the world around you? Do you know people from different cultures, races, religions, parts of the world? Or only people like you? Do you listen to certain news outlets or certain types of media?

Answering all of these questions helps describe your environment. And how it can be very different from one person to the next – and from one time in your life to the next.

Sometimes when you are young, there might be parts of your environment that affect your mood and how you deal with life. Often, it can also be hard to change some parts of your environment- like where you live and who supports you financially. When you have depression – and sometimes as you get better with treatment – you find your environment can also change. For example, if you were hanging out with friends who weren’t nice to you, you might be able to build up the confidence to stop hanging around them – and that will help you feel better. As you get older, you sometimes become less dependent on others and can change parts you don’t like.

If you feel like something about your environment is harming you now – like you are being bullied, you don’t have enough food or clothes, or you can’t find a safe and supportive place to be – talk to a trusting adult about it. There are people and agencies who can help you make some changes today.

Some of them include:

If you are interested in reading more about the science behind how environment influences depression, click here for a really neat world health organization report.

Do you sometimes feel that your environment affects your mood? Have you been able to make changes to your environment that have helped? If you feel comfortable, please share with us below!

Screening Tools

November 2, 2017 in Educate Yourself

Have you ever gone to your doctor for a routine physical and while you waited you were asked to complete some surveys? Did these surveys ever containing sensitive questions?

If this has happened to you, you most likely completed a screening questionnaire. A screening tool, such as the PHQ-9 (or patient health questionnaire) asks a series of questions that have been shown in the research to help identify when an individual might be experiencing symptoms of a health condition, like depression or anxiety. Then at the end all the responses are totaled for a final score, which helps interpret the symptoms. PHQ9 (2)

It’s important to know that while screening is very useful, it’s only a starting point. These tools can help initiate a conversation with your doctor or with someone you trust. Screening tools cannot be used to make a diagnosis, but rather let your doctor know to ask additional questions. Only by talking to a professional, and usually more than just one time, can you figure out if you have a mental health condition.

Also, the results from a screening tool will only be helpful if you answer the questions honestly.  Read through the questionnaire slowly and pay special attention to the specified time period to which the questions refer.  Sometimes it can be difficult to talk to your doctor about some of these signs and symptoms, perhaps because of the stigma about mental illnesses.  Therefore, it is helpful to remember that many of your symptoms can be treated, especially when identified early. Mental illnesses have specific signs and symptoms, and when left alone, symptoms can become more serious. Mental health checkups are just as important as a physical checkup.

You can also screen yourself by taking a screening tool online (click here for the screening tool in Spanish). This can be a great starting point for you to assess and educate yourself about the symptoms you are experiencing. Then you can discuss any concerns with a professional, like your primary care physician or school counselor.

Lastly, we often only go to the doctor when we are not physically feeling our best.  For example, if we are tired (or have a lack of energy) or have changes in our diet, or our bodies ache, we are more likely to go to the doctor. We do not necessarily seek out an appointment with our physician for our mental health.  However, some of the physical symptoms that make us schedule a doctor’s visit, can be symptoms of depression or anxiety (or another condition).  For more information, please talk to a professional about screening tools.

Have you ever taken a screening questionnaire at your doctor’s office or on your own?  If you’re comfortable, we would love to hear your experience or if you have any questions about the subject’s of today’s post.  Leave us a comment below!

Advocacy through Social Media

October 26, 2017 in Social Media Guide

AdvocateSocial media is a tool that has great potential.  Social media has the potential to connect people from all over the world to create communities of like-minded people.  One of the most positive ways that social media has impacted our everyday life is through advocacy.  Advocacy is defined by Merriam Webster as “the act or process of supporting a cause or proposal.”  Social media can be used as an advocacy tool, and recently has been used to advocate for mental health.  Social media accounts such as mentalhealthamerica, namicommunicate, and project1in4 are bringing mental health awareness to a larger audience through their Instagram accounts.  Mental health advocacy through social media can be done by providing supportive resources, giving contact information for hotlines and mental health professionals, or even something as simple as offering daily words of encouragement.  Various social media accounts are devoted to breaking the stigma that exists around mental health.  Starting a dialogue about mental health is the first step to both breaking the stigma and making mental health a priority for everyone.

Here are examples of some Instagram accounts working towards improving mental health:

Other accounts we like are @brenebrown, @wearyourlabel and @makedaisychains

What are other mental health advocacy groups (or individuals) that you follow on social media?  We would love to make a list of them in the comments section below!


The Happiest Country in the World

October 23, 2017 in Be Positive

According to the latest World Happiness Report, Norway is the world’s happiest country.  The report measures many different things to calculate “happiness.”  Some of the measurements include:

Photo Credit: Enokson Flickr via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: Enokson Flickr via Compfight cc

  • Generosity
  • Healthy life expectancy
  • Perceived freedom
  • Having someone to count on
  • Money (or gross national product)
  • Happiness in the workplace

Another incredible country is Bhutan.  This small country located in South Asia has GNH – or gross national happiness.  GNH measures an individual’s quality of life and tries to find a balance between materials and spirituality.  And Bhutan isn’t alone.    Some cities and towns in the United States and abroad have started their own “happiness initiatives” to find out if people living in a certain area are satisfied.

Read these articles to find out more about the World’s Happiest Countries and Bhutan’s Gross National Happiness.  Also, checkout these happiness tools.

Where do you think the United States and other countries ranked?  Any thoughts on Bhutan’s GNH or the happiness tools?  We’d love to hear from you!      



The Practice of Positivity

October 16, 2017 in Be Positive


An article by Huffington Post introduced seven different mantras that are helpful in trying to practice positivity:

1. Guide Your Energy

“I am the greatest, I said that even before I knew I was.” — Muhammad Ali

2. Connect with Ourselves

The better we understand the nature of the world, the better we can move in the world. The better we understand the nature of ourselves, the better we can move within ourselves.

3. Practice Visualization

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.”— Buddha

4. Slow Down To Move Forward

“Drink your tea slowly and reverently, as if it is the axis on which the world earth revolves — slowly, evenly, without rushing toward the future. Live the actual moment.” — Thich Nhat Hanh

5. Read, Write, Watch

“Don’t waste time waiting for inspiration. Begin, and inspiration will find you.” — H. Jackson Brown Jr.

6. Be Kind To Yourself

“If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.” —  Dalai Lama

7. Develop Resiliency

“In the end, if you are lucky, you see that our trials are what improve us. And if you are very lucky and somewhat insightful, you see that whatever your trial has been, it is exactly what you needed. Our trials make us who we are.” — Michael Morton

Do you have your own mantra?  Do you practice positivity?  We would love to hear from you in the comments section below!