Tagged: self-care


Asking questions about your health

Being a young person is full of changes, and some of these changes may lead you to having questions about your health. You might wonder whether the things you’re feeling, thinking or experiencing physically...

This is a picture of a woman running in the sunset/sunrise and all you see is her silhouette. 1

Self-care: Why exercise?

Self-care is all about improving ourselves, having more energy and being more satisfied with the events happening in and around us. Self-care involves a daily routine to achieve these goals by implementing the three core methods...


Practicing Radical Self-Care

Self-care has become a term that always pops up when talking about mental health and wellness. The most common image is that of meditating, taking a bath, or doing a face mask. And while...


Preparing just in case

I am an over preparer. When I get anxious, I need to make sure I have everything at my disposal to be comfortable and try to lower the nerves. An example would be that...


Coloring Books: A Stress Reliver

In my self-care journey, I have explored many self-care activities to find what works for me, like spending time outdoors, talking to a trusted friend about a problem, a spa day, reading, or just...


Putting Yourself First

Has anyone ever felt like friends or family are burdening you with things you may not be prepared to deal with? I feel like this quite frequently- whether it be a close friend or...


Be More Productive

It always seems like there is a never-ending to-do list. This list can be memorialized in your mind palace, various techy gadgets, or on paper. We all need this list to keep track of our many tasks and obligations related to school, work, family, and friends. Sometimes, it can feel good to always have something to work on or even to look forward to. I always feel a sense of accomplishment when an item is checked off my to-do list. While it gives me the motivation to keep pushing forward, this can become excessive and detrimental if I do not set boundaries.


Taking Breaks When They Are Needed

I want to share the importance of taking breaks and accepting when you need a break. We often overwork ourselves. And to be honest, that is totally okay! I always feel like I’m in a state of overworking myself, tired, anxious, and in the horrible stages of burnout. That is all before I started taking breaks and building them into my day-to-day routine. Breaks are a good way to switch your brain on and off from different tasks and practice self-care.