bullet journal spread of month of september 0

Bullet Journaling Beyond Organization

In the past few years, using a bullet journal in lieu of a planner has boomed in popularity, particularly among adolescents. This is partly due to social media sites such as Instagram, TikTok, and...

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A Reminder to Rest

We live in a go go go society. We always feel like we should be doing something, whether it’s completing the next project on our to-do list, doing some sort of self-improvement, or keeping our social battery...

white background with a yellow umbrella over text with rain in the background. The text reads Take Care of Yourself. 0

What is self-care?

NOTE: Post originally written in January 2018 by contributor moonblue You may have heard the term “self-care” being used on social media or in interactions with other people. It’s an idea that has only recently...

logo of Mental Health First Aid. There is a blue circle with a white cross inside it. USA is written on the cross. To the right the logo has 3 lines over top of the next, Mental, Health, and First Aid 0

Becoming a Mental Health First-Responder

NOTE: Post originally published in January 2018 by contributor Panther14 When we hear the term “first-responders,” we usually think of the workers in an ambulance, ready to help people with physical health emergencies. But...

a woman wearing a pink headscarf sitting against a wall with her face down. 0

Do I blame myself?

A common mindset among those who are diagnosed with mental illnesses is wondering if it’s something that they brought onto themselves. There may be guilt associated with it, like the person thinking they did...

Black and white photo of a man with darker complexion. He has a mouth over his mouth and is facing left out of frame. 0

Challenging Negative Thoughts

Stop being so negative! Are these words familiar to you? Everyone has negative thoughts from time to time. Negative thinking is helpful when it protects us from dangerous situations or motivates us to complete...

An old fashioned alarm clock sits on a table. The background is a gradient of a dark blue-green that gets lighter at the center right over the clock. 0

Sleeping better

Sleeping patterns and the amount of sleep adolescents get can get jumbled because of mental illness: we’ve also previously talked about “depression naps” and the effects that they can have. Overall, it’s difficult for...

photo of pink headphones laying on a bicolored surface of pink and aqua. 0

Music and Social Media

What are your favorite genres? Do you enjoy the stuff currently on the radio? Do you like pop, rock, rap, or any of the specific subgenres within them? Maybe you like a combination, or...

photo of a hallway. the walls are painted in a rainbow going from green to teal to blue to red to orange to yellow. 0

Bringing Some Color In

There are many outlets to take advantage of if you need a distraction that go beyond procrastination purposes. These kinds of situations can include sitting on public transit, waiting for a doctor’s appointment, or...