Back from the Bluez: Behavioral Strategies that Manage Depression

May 11, 2018 in LINKS


Slacklining is popular among the kids in the parks in our city, and it’s one way to get your body moving and build both physical and emotional resilience.

Depressive symptoms can make people feel tired, even first thing in the morning when they wake up. They may also feel a lack of energy and motivation—so all the activities of work and fun begin to pile up, undone. When they look at their undone work and all the fun they’ve missed, they can feel sad and overwhelmed, leading to a spiral of feelings of guilt, uselessness, and failure. And so they miss out on even more work and more fun, and the cycle perpetuates itself.

One way to break out of this cycle is just beginning to increase activity levels, bit by bit.

But when you’re overwhelmed and have so much to catch up on, where do you even start?

The Center for Clinical Interventions, an office in Western Australia that creates and disseminates information for people with mental health challenges, has developed a bunch of links to help with this problem.

For example, their Behavioral Strategies for Managing Depression includes a list of 185 ideas about pleasurable activities that someone could do! Check these out:

  • planning: thinking about planning a day’s activities
  • exercising: going ice skating, roller skating/blading, playing tennis, slacklining
  • making stuff: sketching, painting, writing, cooking
  • thinking: about your good qualities, you’re a person who can cope, and you have a lot more going for you than most people

Check out the list—it’s super long and has something for everyone.

runningWhen you’re feeling depressed, it’s hard to remember these activities are open to you. You have to plan fun and enjoyable activities into your life, and it’s this effort that can counter the feelings of depression.

The module includes a worksheet to help you track your activities and rate your depression, pleasant feelings, and sense of achievement before and after the activities. It also has a weekly schedule to help plan out daily responsibilities and pleasurable activities.

Setting reasonable goals for yourself in the beginning is important so it won’t feel like too much too soon. Start slow by adding just a few small activities a week. Then slowly increase the number of activities over time. Choosing to perform tasks that give you a sense of achievement or mastery will help you feel like you are starting to regain control over your life. Once you have a sense of achievement it may encourage you to do more.

This is just one of the Center for Clinical Interventions’ modules to help with behavioral health problems. Check out the full list here—it’s cool.

What are the fun, pleasurable, or rewarding activities you engage in to help counter your depression and boost your mood? Share your strategies with us!

High Schoolers of “Stand Together” Talk about Social Media Stress

May 10, 2018 in Social Media Guide


Just a few of the high school students who talked with us about healthy social media use.

Two days ago we ran a blog about Stand Together, a project to educate other students at their schools about the challenges of mental illness and substance use disorders, and to break the stigma of talking about mental health in ordinary conversation. That blog was about middle-schoolers. Today, we talked to the high-school students at their annual celebration of their program’s achievements at the Heinz History Center.

We talked to them about how social media throws their mental equilibrium off balance. And what strategies they employ to take care of themselves—and others.

What are the stresses they experience on social media?

Joking About Violence

“The worst is when people joke about school shootings,” one sophomore girl says, and her three friends nod. “If they don’t like a particular teacher, they’ll say, ‘That teacher is why people shoot up schools.'”

“And other people joke about hurting themselves or say it casually, like just saying it doesn’t matter,” another girl said.

“How do you respond?” we asked.

“I tell them straight up that it’s not right to talk like that,” the first girl said. “I say that those people who were in the shootings were really hurt, and that those things really happened, and you can’t joke about it—it’s not healthy.”

“And that if you really feel like you’re going to hurt yourself or someone else,” the second girl said, “that you need to talk to someone who can help—like, right away.”

“Where did you learn how to respond like this?” we asked.

They said they’d been taught in the Stand Together program.

Fear of Criticism

Another 16-year-old guy said it caused him a lot of stress when one person at his school decided to create an anonymous Instagram account and criticize people from behind that anonymity. He and some other students around him agreed that some students only post super-positive photos, “which is really misleading,” one student said.

So the guy made the decision to eliminate all his social media accounts.

“It was a little rough, because everyone around me uses social media,” he said. “But I now have a TON of time more than I had before, when I was wasting time on social.” He spends that time on activities that he says nurture him. And he can still keep in close touch with the friends he cares about through texting.

Deciding to Take Care of Oneself

A 17-year-old girl told the story of how, three years ago, she came down with symptoms of severe depression. One way she took care of herself at this time was to deactivate all her social media accounts. After getting therapy and medical treatment, she’s doing much better, and at the point where she thought she was ready to handle social media again, she bit by bit reactivated her accounts. “It’s just what I needed to do to take care of myself.”

IMG_2192Social Media as a Way to Support New Friends

Finally, another 16-year-old said she’d had positive experiences with social media. She has several friends that she met on one platform or another with whom she has become very good friends—and has even met them in real life a couple of times.

“It’s easier to talk about things when you’re not face-to-face,” she said. “If you love to write, like I do, you can really support someone by writing to them and showing how much you care.”

What stresses do you experience around social media? If you have given up your social accounts, how has that affected your life? Tell us in the comments!

image of a therapy session shows a silhouette of a person laying in a chair with hands raised. next to them is a person with a notepad.

Nah—Therapy Is Not For Me (But Are You Sure?)

May 9, 2018 in Educate Yourself

therapy02Studies show when people have a bad experience with therapy it can make them have a bad attitude about therapy in general. Sometimes I tell my adolescent patients at my clinic that I think therapy could help them, and they tell me, “Nah—not for me.” I keep in mind, though, that if they had a bad therapy experience before, that response totally makes sense.

Here are a few examples you may relate to:

The first time you went, it wasn’t your decision.

Going to therapy can help with a lot of different problems you may have—but if you were made to go or it felt like it was a punishment versus a decision you made to become more healthy, you might have a negative attitude about it. My mom used to make me pick weeds in our driveway, and I kind of have a bad attitude about gardening! Even though a lot of people enjoy it.

The therapist and you did not seem to connect.

We know a big reason therapy works is the therapeutic alliance, which we wrote about in a prior post. If you feel like you didn’t connect with your first therapist—or especially if you didn’t feel like they cared about you, that might have been a tough experience for you. Telling someone your deepest thoughts makes you vulnerable and if it didn’t work the first time, maybe you don’t want to take that risk again.

Your parent was too involved.

Maybe you think therapy wasn’t helpful if your parent was always around. You couldn’t let yourself be honest with the therapist.

You felt betrayed.

If you received therapy as a child and the therapist was worried about abuse, that is something that they have to report to the state for your safety. But when you are a kid in the mix of it, sometimes you feel like your trust was betrayed. That can be hard to deal with.

The thing is—one bad experience does not mean the next one will be. And your experience as a young person or child may be different when you are older. There are things you can do to help make sure that your next therapy experience is a good one. We know therapy works and can get you to better mental health.

If you had a bad experience before, but want to try therapy again, try these ideas:

  • Make a list of the pros and cons about going to therapy—go over your list with someone you trust like a supportive adult or your primary care doctor and together, make a decision if this is a next best step for you
  • At the first session, tell your therapist what your expectations and hopes are from therapy
  • If you feel like you and your therapist don’t connect, ask for a referral to see someone else—therapists are used to this as everyone is different and sometimes certain personalities don’t click.
  • If your parent is involved, talk to them about what you expect out of therapy and how you’d like them to be involved. if they would like to be very involved, talk to your therapist about whether it would be a better idea to have a family therapist in addition to individual therapy.
  • At the first session, talk to your therapist about the limits of confidentiality. What do they always keep private? What if anything, are they not allowed to keep private?

What are some reasons you or others have had negative experiences with therapy? How have you managed to keep an open mind? Do you have tips to share with readers about making the next experience positive? Share with us in the comments.

“Stand Together” Celebrates Another Successful Year

May 8, 2018 in Educate Yourself

IMG_2185Today dozens of middle school students gathered at the Pittsburgh Heinz History Center to share the results of a year’s work on Stand Together, a project to educate other students at their schools about the challenges of mental illness and substance use disorders, and to break the stigma of talking about mental health in ordinary conversation.

“I was in the program last year,” one 14-year-old student said, “and I came back this year because I learned so much that I just wanted to share it with other kids at my school.”

The program is coordinated by Allegheny County’s Office of Behavioral Health and is run by just three staff members. Stand Together has been so successful at breaking down isolation among students with anxiety, depression, ADHD and eating disorders—the four most common mental health problems among students today—that the program now has a waiting list of schools wanting to get in on the action.

Here are some of the ways students have learned to bring awareness and break stigma among their peers:

  • IMG_2183Food giveaways to students who learn certain facts about mental illness (e.g., one in four people will confront mental health problems during any given year)
  • Printing custom T-shirts to wear in school to show solidarity
  • Painting murals on school walls with positive messages to educate students and uplift them during the day
  • Organizing events to help students talk to other students they may not ordinarily talk with, to break isolation
  • Creating wristbands with the #standtogether hashtag and the message, “It’s okay not to be okay,” to foster acceptance

It was super inspiring to see so many students show such openness to talking about mental health and willingness to bring positive messages to their peers! Congratulations to Stand Together!

Have you ever advocated among your own peers at school to help break stigma and create more open dialogue about mental health? What kind of a challenge was that? Let us know in the comments!

A “Self-Evaluator” Site Designed Especially For College Students

May 4, 2018 in LINKS

Anxiety is skyrocketing among college students, but they often don’t know how to figure out how much the anxiety is interfering with their lives, or where to go on campus for help.

The Self Evaluator website is designed to help you solve these problems. The Duke University School of Medicine developed the Self-Evaluator for Jed’s college-student-support site, ULifeline.

It screens for thirteen of the most common mental health conditions that college students face. This screening does not give you a diagnosis, but it asks detailed questions that can identify mental health challenges that might be interfering with your thoughts, feelings and behaviors.

The site is also tailored to give you specific information about exactly when and where on your campus you can go to reach out for help.

This tool was created for college students and we think it is super useful!

In it you will answer survey questions with answers of Yes, No, or Unsure.

Then …

  • It will briefly give a simple screening of a problem that you MAY have
  • Then a link that gives more information on that potential problem

There is also an Ask the Experts tab with FAQs about certain topics—simply use the drop-down menu to choose a topic area.

Have you ever used screening tools? What do you think about this one? How was the FAQ/Ask the Experts information? What kinds of resources does your school have for times when you might need extra mental health support? 

“Call-Out Cards” For Online Boundary-Pushers

May 3, 2018 in Social Media Guide

Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 8.47.42 AMHave you ever seen a social media post that you thought was offensive, mean, or just not cool?

Have you ever been bombarded with text messages and felt pressured to text back in split-seconds?

Have you ever been stumped about how to respond to these and other online boundary violations?—It’s hard to respond to someone who is abusing your online space, or someone else’s! is a public-service organization that is designed to educate people using online spaces about how to respect boundaries.

Screen Shot 2018-05-03 at 8.47.33 AMThey’ve put together a collection of “call-out cards” that you can post as replies. There are images that you can send if someone is calling you, texting you, or emailing you too much, and if someone is violating your social-media boundaries—for example, posting private or false information about you on your timeline or others’.

Which of these “call out cards” might you use, and which might you not? And why? Let us know in the comments! 

What Is CBT? A Comic Example

May 2, 2018 in Educate Yourself

When you feel depressed or anxious, it can feel like you are just lost in your thoughts. A type of therapy called cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) helps to teach you how to change your thoughts. The idea is that by changing your thoughts, you can change your mood and how you deal with day-to-day events. CBT is one of the most effective therapies for depression and anxiety in young people.

  • CBT describes a cycle starting with an Event.
  • A person responds to the Event with a Thought.
  • This Thought leads to an Emotion.
  • Then that Emotion leads to further Action.

Out of all of these responses, the easiest to change in the cycle are the Thoughts, because they can come from an underlying belief system: one example of such an underlying belief system is, “I’m not good at anything.” This belief system is overly negative. CBT helps train you to think more rationally by using evidence, rather than feelings or beliefs.

Like in this comic strip:




After reading this, imagine that Jude talks to his doctor and realizes he has been feeling depressed. He starts seeing a therapist who teaches him about CBT. Jude realizes there is evidence that some people do like him and there are some people he doesn’t get along with as well.

After CBT, the same scenario might happen a little like this:




How did Jude manage to change his thinking? What are the differences between the two comic strips? Let us know your thoughts below!

True Friendship

May 1, 2018 in Educate Yourself

friends01As we go through life, people move in and out of our social interactions. Particularly in adolescence and young adulthood, in settings such as school or extracurricular activities, we constantly meet people and create relationships. But how do we learn whether someone is a true and genuine friend? While you might hang around pretty often with some people, such as people in your classes or dorm, not everyone fulfills the role of a true friend.

Here are five signs that someone is interested in and capable of being your genuine friend.

1. They want you to accept yourself as you are.

A true friend will love you exactly as you are, and wants you to love yourself the same way. They are the people who will help to boost your self-esteem when you’re feeling down, and they’ll help you gather courage when you’re nervous about taking on a new challenge.

2. They’re honest with you if they think you’re making a poor choice.

True friends won’t blow smoke in your face if they think you’re wrong about a situation or if they see that you could benefit from some guidance. If someone is too afraid to step in or sits back and watches while you make a bad decision, they don’t have your best interest at heart—so they’re not a true friend.

friendship023. They’re present with you. 

Being fully present is difficult for most people to achieve, but a true friend will try their best to give you their undivided attention when they’re with you. They won’t ignore you or keep checking their phones, but will listen and respond attentively. And they can focus on you without turning everything you say around to make it be about them.

4. They help you laugh at life—and sometimes at yourself.

Have you ever noticed how good you can feel when you smile, and better yet when you can laugh? Humor has that superpower. And true friends have the gift not not taking themselves overly seriously—and they can help you do that when you’re in a tough spot.

5. They give you support when you need it the most.

While true friends celebrate your successes, they also are capable of supporting you when you are faced with hardships. A true friend steps in more like a family member when you are at your lowest and does anything they can to help you feel loved.

What other qualities of true friendship have you noticed in your life? Share with us in the comments!

How To Use Empathy

April 27, 2018 in LINKS

This video was based on a TED talk by Dr. Brené Brown. She is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent more than a decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness, and shame.

Have you been on both sides of the hole? Have you ever climbed down with a friend?

How did this video make you feel? What kinds of changes did it make you want to make in your life? Or did it remind you of something you or someone else went through? Share below.

What Site Is That?

April 26, 2018 in Social Media Guide

socialmediaDo you ever feel like you can’t keep up with all the new social media websites? The Pew Research Center’s annual report on social media usage might help you make sense of it all.

This report  provides us with the most popular sites that we often use, with Facebook being the most favored of the social media platforms. Most of the names often come as no surprise and might be ones you use as well!

If you’re interested in the Pew Research Center’s full social media update, you can find it here.

There are also many other apps and websites that aren’t quite as widely used—so you may have never heard of them. Common Sense Media, a nonprofit organization that helps kids and parents by providing reviews of all kinds of media, compiled a list of quite a few apps that teens are using. Their intention was to help adolescent social media users and their parents better understand the pros and cons. Here’s a rundown:

Texting apps: These often allow users to text or video message for free without it appearing on the phone bill or in the messages on their phone.

Kik Messenger

Micro-blogging apps and sites: These sites provide a platform where users can post anything from how their day was to pictures and videos.


Self-Destructing/Secret apps: These sites are often anonymous or are meant to have self-destructive qualities, and often pictures or videos posted can be seen by others in a certain distance from the users current location.


Chatting, Meeting, Dating apps and sites: These sites have an inherent aspect of flirting or dating.


Have you heard of any of these apps? Do you use them?  If so, which ones?  Do you know of any other apps or websites that are not included on this list?  We’d love to hear from you!