Tagged: facebook


Multiple Selves, LGBTQ+ Youths, and Social Media

The variety of social media platforms, the kind of content they show, and who uses them allows people to wear different “masks” depending on what site or app they go on. Facebook has become more family-dominated, so many teenagers feel like they need to filter themselves so their parents, grandparents, and other extended family don’t see everything. Meanwhile, teens may use Instagram to present a seemingly perfect and aesthetic lifestyle to their peers (finstas, on the other hand, make teens feel like they can show their “true selves”).


Facebook and Life Satisfaction

How many times have you logged onto Facebook this week? How many times today? More than once today? Most people in the U.S. would answer yes to all these questions. Using social media is...


Ten Great Social Media Accounts To Follow

If you are looking for some great mental health organizations to connect with, look no further! Twitter The following 10 Twitter accounts tweet great mental health material related to wellness, awareness, and eliminating stigma....


How Facebook Tries to Prevent Suicide

Healthcare professionals and government officials have been confronting suicide for years by implementing various self-harm and suicide prevention programs. Now, social-media companies like Facebook are taking part in the fight against suicide—by using artificial intelligence (AI). Companies that run social...


10 Great Social Media Accounts to Follow

If you are looking for some great mental health organizations to connect with, look no further! The following ten twitter accounts tweet great mental health material related to wellness, awareness, and eliminating stigma. Even...