Tagged: medication


Seeking Help to Give Help

Mental health is a topic very close to me. I have struggled with severe anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember. It wasn’t until I started a master’s degree in clinical mental health counseling that I was ready to get the help I needed. It took me a long time to accept that I needed help and that I was not able to cope as well as I thought I was. Wanting to be a counselor made me realize that I have to take care of myself first before I can effectively help others with their mental health struggles.


An App to Consider: Mango Health

Although we mentioned it in our list of medication reminders recently, we wanted to use this week to specifically focus on the free app, Mango Health. You can check out more about why apps can be useful for taking medication and developing other habits for your help here, but we specifically wanted to focus on Mango Health because of its simplicity and how easy it is to use and understand.


Medication Reminders

Let’s be honest: we’ve all missed taking a daily medication. It might be because you were too busy, in a rush, or simply forgot. You may have also missed taking a medication because you didn’t have the energy to do so due to your depression, or your brain might have been too foggy to remember because of other mental health issues getting in the way.


An Online Guide to Medications

The idea of taking antidepressants or any other medication to support your mental health can sound intimidating and almost scary at first. You might have a ton of questions about which is the most effective for you, how they might affect you, the potential side effects, or even just how to pronounce the names.


The Stigma of Talking About Your Mental Illness

Growing up, my family always had a stigma over mental health. I grew up believing therapy was for “crazy people” and that if you feel depressed or anxious, you should just spend more time with your friends or go do something outside instead of taking medication or talking to a therapist.


An App to Consider: Medisafe

It can be hard to stick to a schedule. Things change and happen everyday and can throw everything off. It can be even harder to remember to stick to a schedule if you’re feeling overwhelmed, unwell, or depressed, making you likely to forget the more minor things in your schedule.


An App to Consider: Medisafe

It can be hard to stick to a schedule. Things change and happen everyday and can throw everything off. It can be even harder to remember to stick to a schedule if you’re feeling...


Coping with Social Anxiety

Have you ever gone to a party or had to talk in front of others and felt sick to your stomach with anxiety about the prospect? Have you ever felt so nauseated and shaky about others...