Meet Alyssa: Founder of ‘Inside Our Minds’

June 2, 2017 in LINKS

A member of the SOVA team recently had the great opportunity to meet and interview Alyssa Cypher.  Alyssa is the founder of ‘Inside Our Minds,’ which was previously featured on SOVA.  During this interview Alyssa talked about everything from her own interviewing style to what motivated her to start this project.

Photo kindly provided by Alyssa

Photo kindly provided by Alyssa

What motivated you to start ‘Inside Our Minds?’

Alyssa shared that her own personal experience with mental illness was a major influence on her desire to start this project.  She first began by getting involved in advocacy work and dealing with her own personal mental health struggles.  One day Alyssa made the decision to write her own personal confessional on Facebook addressing her struggles with mental health.  After posting her confessional online, Alyssa felt not only a sense of release from sharing her story, but in return she received a huge amount of positive feedback.  This experience lead her to create ‘Inside Our Minds’ so she could help others share their own personal stories in their own words.  The first interview posted on ‘Inside Our Minds’ on March 30, 2016.

What is the message you are trying to share from ‘Inside Our Minds?’

One of the goals of this project is for those with mental illnesses to know that it is okay to talk about your experience.  Also that many other people share similar circumstances and can relate to what you are going through.  Alyssa said she wants to help remove the stigma surrounding mental health and get the point across that “We are a whole human being and should be treated as one.” By having these personal life experiences shared with those who are not afflicted with a mental illness, it helps provide others with a glimpse and some understanding of what it looks like to live with a mental disorder.

What is your process for interviewing and recruiting individuals?

Her main forms of recruiting are through word of mouth and public advertising.  The interviews take place in a public environment like a coffee shop or her office.  When carrying out the interview, Alyssa makes the questioning very open-ended so the interviewee has the control.  Throughout the interview Alyssa regularly checks in with the interviewee to make sure they are still comfortable with the subject and how the interview is unfolding.  Alyssa highlighted how important it is to make sure the person being interviewed knows that they have control surrounding the subjects being discussed, and that the interview can be stopped at any time.  Also, the individual is not required to have the interview made public.  During the editing process the interviewee is actively involved by using a shared document that is edited as appropriate.  This is done so there are no surprises when the document is posted to the site.  Lastly, Alyssa will remove the post at any time if requested by the individual.

What can you share about the ‘Inside Our Minds’ podcasts?

In addition to the interviews, ‘Inside Our Minds’ has begun producing podcasts.  This is a slightly less anonymous process, although a person can use a pseudonym (or code name) to help remain unknown.  There are typically 3 participants included on a podcast with each podcast featuring a group of individuals with similar diagnoses that have had different experiences with that disorder.  The purpose of this is to show a more rounded view of mental illness because the same disorder can often appear in different ways.  Also an individual can have a variety of different experiences with a disorder.

What do you feel most proud of about your work?

Alyssa feels most proud about the positive feedback she receives from her audience. Often she gets caught up in all the work that needs to be done and admits she can get lost in the shuffle.  However, the emails and positive feedback she receives is a heartwarming reminder that her work matters.

What is your personal experience with maintaining your mental health/wellness?

Alyssa explained that as a giver she has to stay healthy in order to give back to others.  In order to maintain her mental health she participates in a variety of self-care activities. Some of her self-care methods include massages, acupuncture, yoga, eating right, and skyping with her therapist.

What would you tell the younger version of yourself?

Alyssa says she would want to share that just because you had a bad experience with a therapist does not mean they are all the same.  Take the time to find a therapist that works for you and make sure you talk to someone about what you are experiencing.

Check out ‘Inside Our Minds‘ and their podcasts!  What are your thoughts?  We’d love to hear from you!


Making Social Media Work for You

June 1, 2017 in Social Media Guide

Do you sometimes get frustrated about seeing things you don’t want to see on your social media feeds?

Maybe you are not someone who likes pictures of food. But you have a friend who posts what they eat for every meal?! You might like hanging out with them, but you just can’t see one more picture of their Starbucks drink or what they ate for dinner last night. What do you do?


On a more serious note, what if there is someone who is bullying or not being nice to you or others? How do you avoid them and look at your other friends’ posts?

The good news is social media is catching up with our needs. You can and you should customize your newsfeed to show you what you want to see. Here is an article about how to declutter your Facebook by unfollowing, hiding posts, personalizing friend newsfeed lists, and unfriending.

Do you have tips about how to customize other social media sites you use?  Share them below!

Individualized Education Program

May 31, 2017 in Educate Yourself

Recently we did a feature on Section 504.  However, a Section 504 Plan and an IEP, or Individualized Education Program, are mentioned together.  But what is an IEP?  Is it different from Section 504?

First let’s discuss what an IEP is …

What is an Individualized Education Program (IEP)?

Photo Credit: LegoBMan Flickr via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: LegoBMan Flickr via Compfight cc

The Individualized Education Program is a written document that is created to meet the learning needs of any public school student requiring special education.

Is an IEP enforced under a law?

Yes, an IEP falls under our nation’s federal law called Individuals with Disabilities Education Act or IDEA.  The IDEA is intended to focus on the student and provide rights and protections to children with disabilities and to their parents.

Who is eligible for an IEP?

A student must be found to have one of 13 disabilities that are covered under IDEA.  The list includes specific learning disabilities, autism, and emotional impairment to name a few.  The full list of disabilities included under IDEA are listed here.  Also, to be eligible, the disability must impact the child’s ability to benefit from the general education program.

If I have a learning disability, does that mean I automatically qualify for an IEP?

No, not every child with learning and attention issues is eligible for an IEP.  An individual evaluation must be carried out to determine whether someone is eligible for an IEP.  The disability must affect the student’s ability to make progress and benefit from school.

What does an evaluation mean?

An evaluation will look at all areas of a child’s life related to a suspected disability.  The evaluation will be used to decide whether the child is eligible for special education and related services.

How do I get an evaluation?

Anyone can request an evaluation for a child.  For example, a teacher may request a child be evaluated.  Parents may also contact the school to request that their child be evaluated.  The request may be verbal or in writing.  It is usually best practice to talk to a parent, trusted teacher, special education teacher, counselor, or pediatrician with any questions or concerns.  Also, parental consent is needed before any student may be evaluated!

What if I am found eligible following my evaluation?

If the evaluation reveals that a student is eligible then the next step will be to create an IEP.  An IEP is created through a team effort and must be reviewed at least once a year.  By law, certain individuals must be included in writing a child’s IEP, and the best IEPs are created through teamwork!

What’s included in an IEP?

An IEP is specific to each individual student.  This means not every IEP will appear the same.  However, by law, an IEP must contain certain information. In general, an IEP will contain information such as:

  • the child’s current level of performance in school
  • the yearly goals for the child
  • the special education and related services to be provided to the child.

It can be helpful to try to think of an IEP as a blue print!

Can I be involved in developing my own IEP?

Absolutely!  If appropriate, it is encouraged that the child be involved in writing their own IEPs.  The involvement of the child’s parent or guardian is also strongly supported.  An IEP provides an opportunity for a team of people to work together to improve the education for a student with a disability.

What if I am found ineligible after my evaluation?  

Do not give up hope!  It is important to discuss other options or any concerns with a school professional (e.g., principal, special education teacher or counselor) or person from the evaluation team. Also, you can still try to access services by pursuing a 504 Plan.

What’s the difference between IEPs and 504 Plans?

There are several differences between an IEP and a Section 504 Plan.  For example, a child must have one of 13 disabilities to be eligible for an IEP.  However, Section 504 Plans include any disability.  Also, the rules surrounding an IEP are much stricter than for a Section 504 Plan.  Want to know more about the difference between IEPs and 504 Plans? Visit for their chart that compares both IEPs and 504 Plans to help you better understand.

Have more questions?

To learn more visit the following websites:

If you have any questions or comments about the subject of today’s blog post, please let us know!  We’d love to hear from you!

Writing a letter to your parent

May 30, 2017 in Educate Yourself

Sometimes it can be hard to tell parents how you feel.

When you are going through adolescence and young adulthood, it’s your job to want to try to do things on your own and have some privacy too. So it probably feels like the right thing to do to keep some of your private feelings away from your parents. It also might seem like they won’t understand what you are going through. On the other hand, it’s your parents’ job to worry about you and make sure you are safe. They want to give you space to grow on your own, but they also want to make sure you are okay.

One way to let them know what you want them to know and for them to feel like they are keeping you safe is to write them a letter. You could start out by filling in these blanks:

Dear Parent,

I want to tell you a little bit about how I’m doing.

I think I am really good at ______

Some things I wish I could change about myself are _____

Usually I feel ______

Some things that can make me upset are _____

Ways you could help me would be _____

I want to know more about _____

Thanks for everything you do.

Try it out and let us know how it went!  Do you think a letter would make it easier for you to talk to your parents?

Positive Ways to Use Social Media

May 25, 2017 in Social Media Guide


Photo Credit: Iain Browne via Compfight cc

We tend to always hear about the negative aspects of social media, but sometimes, it has the power to make the world a better place – IF you use it correctly! Although social media can be used in ways that can be harmful, like cyberbullying , there are many positive ways to use it to empower yourself and other people or groups. Here are a few ways social media can help with your personal or professional development in safe ways.

  • Spread positive messages! Sharing positive experiences (e.g., volunteering) might encourage others to learn more about or share your message.
  • Create profiles on sites such as LinkedIn. Advertising yourself for the future can be a great way to put yourself out there.
  • Expressing your opinion in a private social media status update can help give you the courage to voice your opinion out loud in public.
  • Social media can help develop cultural awareness and allow adolescents to discover how people their age live in other countries.
  • Familiarizes teens with technological functions that are used in many different career fields.
  • Social media has also been reported to help build confidence

Can you think of any other ways that social media has had a positive effect on you? Has anyone ever talked to you about how to use social media positively?  Let us know in the comment section below!

Dr. Taunya Tinsley

May 24, 2017 in Educate Yourself

Meet Dr. Taunya Tinsley

Doctor Taunya Marie Tinsley is a Licensed Professional Counselor, DMin, PhD, NCC, LPC. She is the owner of Transitions Counseling Service LLC and Life Skills Program, where she provides individual, marriage, family and group counseling and consultative services.  Additionally, Dr. Tinsley is the Clinical Director of the Mount Ararat Baptist Church Counseling Center.  According to her website “Dr. Tinsley’s interdisciplinary areas of counseling, research, and publications include multicultural issues in counseling, multicultural training and organizational development, spiritual and Christian interventions in counseling, sports counseling, and youth, adolescent, and adult development through sports.”

Photo kindly provided by Dr. Tinsley

Photo kindly provided by Dr. Tinsley

The SOVA Project recently had the amazing and fortunate opportunity to sit down with Dr. Tinsley. During our sit down we had the chance to speak to Dr. Tinsley about her work as a counselor.  Here’s what she had to say:

What are the key points when using the humanistic (meaning the study of the whole person) and existential theory (existential therapy is the belief that each person experiences struggles because of their interaction with certain situations that are essential to human existence such as death) for treatment?

When working with an individual, one of the main goals is to create an honest and caring relationship. The relationship between the client and therapist is empathic, person-centered, and nonjudgmental. Empathy is being able to understand someone’s perspective and experience (for more information please see this previous blog post on empathy). It is the ability to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. When a client is comfortable in the relationship, that is what drives the change process. The therapist’s goal is to help the client reach self-actualization, which means to work towards your ideal self and your greatest potential.

How can using this model with adolescents with anxiety and/or depression be helpful?

This intervention style can be helpful with adolescents because it is about making meaning of a person’s life and experiences. The period of adolescence can be a difficult time because you are working through identity vs. identity confusion. This is when you are trying to figure out who you are as a person. You are getting more responsibilities and transitioning into a person that is free of the restrictions of your caregivers and are now making more decisions for yourself.  Working with a client using this model helps the adolescent work towards where they want to be and helps them understand their experiences.

Are there any techniques with this model that a person can use to help their anxiety or depression?

During therapy the focus will be on the present.  It is about understanding the lived experiences in the here and now.  During a therapy session, the therapist will use many opened ended questions, goal setting techniques, and personalized homework assignments.  Dr. Tinsley utilizes 3 different techniques:

  1. Making the individual more aware of who they are and their ideals and belief systems.
  2. Provide them with the knowledge to make sense of their experiences, and normalizing the experience so that the client can better understand that the reactions they are having don’t make them “weird,” but that the reactions are to the different things they’re experiencing.
  3. Provide skills and techniques to help the client work through the issues and challenges they are facing.

What are some multicultural issues in counseling and what should people be aware about for this topic?

All counseling is multicultural counseling because we are all unique individuals.  What really needs to be understood is that often people are judged by differences that can be easily seen such as, race, ethnicity, religion, gender, and disability so it is important to understand that particular aspect of culture.  People also have many identities that are not visible.  Part of being culturally competent means that you have an understanding and an awareness of how all these identities can impact particular issues and experiences in a person’s life.

What does multicultural training and development involve?

There are many different techniques that can be used when doing multicultural training.  First there are a variety of testing instruments that can be used to measure a person’s knowledge, awareness, and skills as well as the ability to develop cross-cultural relationships.  This can be done in the general sense or with a particular group of individuals, such as sexual orientation to measure a person’s beliefs and values.  Dr. Tinsley explains that research shows that a person’s multicultural skills and techniques are dependent on the individual’s awareness and knowledge as well as their ability to develop cross-cultural relationships.

If a client is coming into therapy for the first time, what would the client need to know?

It is important to know your counselor/therapist.  If possible, try to look up their therapeutic approach, work experience, and training.  Dr. Tinsley’s method within the first session is to immediately begin building the therapeutic relationship, as well as hearing the client’s voice.  She wants to know what brought you in and what you want to see improved.  Then she provides information about the counseling process and explains how they will be working together to achieve the client’s goals.  Also, Dr. Tinsley explains her philosophical approach and what it looks like in practice.

If you have any questions or remarks about the interview featured in today’s post, let us know in the comments below!

Understanding Section 504

May 23, 2017 in Educate Yourself

Do you ever feel like you’re struggling at school?

Do you ever feel like your depression or anxiety gets in the way of your learning?  Maybe Section 504 can help.

Photo Credit: MariaKosowska | Flickr via Compfight cc

Photo Credit: MariaKosowska | Flickr via Compfight cc

What is Section 504?

Section 504 is a law the prevents discrimination against children with disabilities.

What does it do?

Section 504 makes sure that a student with a disability has equal access to an education and to benefits and services similar to those given to classmates without a disability.

Who does Section 504 protect?

Section 504 applies to students and the parents of students who go to public school (or any program) that receives funding from the federal government.

Does Section 504 protect students who have depression or anxiety?

Yes, if the depression or anxiety limits major life activities.

But what does ‘limits a major life activity’ mean?

Do you ever have trouble with school because of your anxiety or depression?  For example, does your depression make it hard for you to get out of bed and you end up missing school?  Or does your anxiety make it difficult for you to finish taking tests in the time allowed?  Do you avoid asking questions, have fear speaking in front of the class or accepting assignments that have been graded because of fear of finding out the grade?  Anxiety and depression can often make it hard for students to finish work, take tests or concentrate in the classroom

Learning (or reading, writing, doing math) is considered a major life activity.  Other life activities include walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, and breathing.  Therefore, if your depression or anxiety is causing you to have trouble learning or another major life activity then you may qualify for Section 504.

What does Section 504 require?

There is a specific process and requirements for Section 504.  Section 504 has its own identification, evaluation, placement and safeguards for students.

Who should you talk to about your depression or anxiety and Section 504?

Any trusted teacher, school counselor, nurse or parent is a great place to start.  Also, each school should have a Section 504 coordinator.

Do you wish to know more about Section 504?

Click here for a more in depth look at Section 504

Do you have any additional questions?  Do you have any experiences with Section 504 that you feel like sharing?  We’d love to hear!

Beating the Summer Baking Heat

May 22, 2017 in Be Positive


Photo Credit: Robert S. Donovan via Compfight cc

When it’s hot out the last thing you want to do is turn on the oven and make it hotter! Did you know you can still make delicious desserts and get around the heat by baking with your slow cooker?

These Crockpot S’mores Cookies for example would make a delicious summer treat without the extra heat!


  • Chocolate Chip Cookie Base (from Ghirardelli package):
  • 2¼ cups flour
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • ½ teaspoon salt
  • 1 cup butter, softened
  • ¾ cup sugar
  • ¾ cup packed brown sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 2 teaspoons vanilla
  • For topping:
  • 1½ cups chocolate chips
  • 1 cup Honey Teddy Grahams
  • 20 regular (full-sized, not mini) marshmallows
  1. Stir flour with baking soda and salt, set aside
  2. In large mixing bowl, cream butter with sugar, brown sugar, eggs and vanilla
  3. Gradually blend dry mixture into creamed mixture
  4. Spray crock well with nonstick spray
  5. Using a large spoon sprayed with nonstick spray, press dough evenly into crock
  6. Top by sprinkling evenly with chocolate chips, marshmallow, and Teddy Grahams
  7. Cover and cook on high for 2-4 hours. Mine took 3.5 hours.
  8. Cookie is done when lightly browned and edges are starting to get crisp
  9. Turn off crock and let cool
  10. Cut and remove with spatula

Find a longer list of delicious treats that can be made in the slower cooker on this buzzfeed list:

Do you enjoy baking?  What are your favorite recipes?  Let us know!

Into the Wild

May 19, 2017 in LINKS

Spending time with animals can have calming effects and give you a break from your busy schedule.

Click here to watch live footage at the Monterey Bay Aquarium to relax! Choose from several different animals and see what they’re up to.

Pittsburgh also has its own Wildlife Web Cam!

Learn more about the therapeutic effects of animals.

Photo Credit: John C. Bruckman @ Innereye Photography via Compfight cc

Major in Social Media?

May 18, 2017 in Social Media Guide


Photo Credit: Tama Leaver via Compfight cc

One college in New Jersey is opening a center for social media study and will be offering a business degree with a concentration in social media marketing. New programs like these are suggesting that social media is here to stay, and will be a major way that all types of business will market in the future.

On one hand this may be a new and exciting opportunity if you have ever thought about  pursuing a career in social media. On the other hand, the push towards marketing any and all products through social media is a reminder that there are more and more targeted advertisements everyday on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, ect. Have you ever seen these advertisements on social media and thought about what and why they are advertising? It is not always bad, but it is important to keep in mind that there is a ton of thought and money that goes into exactly what advertisements  appear on your social media. Here are some questions you can ask yourself that might be helpful in understanding advertisements in social media:

1.) Who created  this message?

2.) What lifestyles, values and points of view are represented in, or left out of this message?

3.) Why is this message being sent?

4.) How might other people understand this message differently than I understand it?

5.) What creative techniques are being used to attract my attention?

Have you noticed advertising in social media? Have you ever thought about making a career in social media? Let us know in the comments!

Sources: and ACT for Youth