Tagged: summer


What is Your “Song of the Summer?”

Try to think of the memories you have of last summer, the summer before that, and the summer before that. Think of the fun, cliche summer memories you have had throughout your life, whether it be in the car listening to the radio, hanging out by the pool, or watching fireworks and lighting sparklers during the muggy nights. Do you have songs attached to them?


Keeping Your Cool

As we hit the halfway point of summer (how did that even happen?), the temperatures are probably getting even higher, if they’re not high enough already. If you live in an area with high humidity, it can feel even hotter than whatever temperature is displayed on your watch or phone.


Finding Positivity this Summer

As temperatures begin to rise and summer has officially begun, the temptation and need to go outside can feel even higher than usual. You’ve probably seen tons of advice (including on here) about how spending just a few minutes outdoors, especially during quarantine, can have a huge impact on mental health, but right now, the sunlight and summer as a whole can cause some mixed emotions.


Dealing with Cancelations

As many of other people have probably first-handedly experienced this, there are many summer festivities being cancelled as a result of the current pandemic. There are concerts people have been waiting for months to go to that are being cancelled in split seconds. There are festivals people had made hotel arrangements for, family trips, summer vacations with friends, and beach trips that are now having to be postponed until a later month or even year.


Summer and Swimsuits

The summer season is coming upon us fast. That means shorts, tank-tops, and one of my biggest causes of my anxiety, swimsuits. I’ve struggled with acceptance for my body type since I was very young. I’ve never been the girl with the nice body, and I never really looked like my friends. I’m shorter and a big larger than my friends. While they might not notice it, I do.


Staying Cool to Help Your Mood

Summer is officially in full swing. Even though the season formally started on Friday, it may feel like it’s been that way for a while now if you’ve recently finished the school year or...


Summer Reading List

Summer is finally here, and for many this may mean months of sleeping late, hanging out with friends, vacationing, and continuous streaming of movies and television shows.  However, it can also mean finding a...