Tagged: books


Curling Up With a Good Book

There are so many ways to get comfortable with a book and get lost in the words and stories that it contains. You can read in the car during a long journey, in between...


Curling Up with a Good Book

There are so many ways to get comfortable with a book and get lost in the words and stories that it contains. You can read in the car during a long journey, in between classes, at the dining table, your bed, the couch, the bath, and so on. There’s the classic physical books that can be compact and slim and easily carried in one hand, or so heavy that you can use it as a weight. E-books like Kindles or Nooks can hold hundreds upon thousands of stories in one small device, providing an endless selection in the palm of your hands. These e-book services are also available as apps, so if you already have a tablet, you can read them on there, or even on your phone.


Summer Intentions

This is my last summer break until I graduating college in the fall, along with afterward starting a new year in the 9-5 full-time realm of my career. Although, that being said, I try to make the most of my summer breaks with the days I do get off work. I feel like making my summer plan makes me more productive, and a lot happier overall. That being said, I wanted to share a few things I do to accomplish this. 


YA Books about Mental Health

We often use fictional novels as a means of escaping, to explore new worlds and living the lives of characters as a means of getting away from our own. And although fictional books are just that, fiction, stories are almost always reflective of things going on in reality.


Weekend Reads: Finding Pride

Pride Month is pretty self-explanatory. Though pride isn’t limited to just these thirty days, June gives those who identify as queer and/or a member of the LGBT+ community a time to celebrate how far they’ve come...


Gmorning, Gnight!

Lin-Manuel Miranda is one of my biggest role models – he’s such an uplifting and inspiring person! As an actor, musician, writer, producer, and activist, some of his accomplishments include writing and starring in...


Curling Up With a Good Book

There are so many ways to get comfortable with a book and get lost in the words and stories that it contains. You can read in the car during a long journey, in between...


Summer Reading List 2018

Summer is finally here, and for many this may mean months of sleeping late, hanging out with friends, vacationing, and continuous streaming of movies and television shows. However, it can also mean finding a...