Oranges for Anxiety

The past few weeks have been particularly rough for me in regards to my anxiety. I’ve been experiencing a range of slight nervousness to full on panic attacks. You probably have had similar experiences. In the middle of a panic attack, it’s difficult to stay grounded and rationalize your behavior.


Staying Clean with Coping Skills

It is not uncommon for people who once used self-harm as an unhealthy coping skill to deal with urges and thoughts of relapse. It becomes especially hard to combat those urges when faced with a triggering situation.


It’s Kind of Funny That…

You’ve probably heard the phrase before: laughter is the best medicine. While it may not be the cure for any disease, it helps relieve some of the pain that can come with them.


“When I Came Out”

It kind of makes sense that National Coming Out Day is the day after World Mental Health Day. Mental health and mental illness are almost always tied to marginalized groups, with those who identify as LGBT being no exception.


World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day. You’ve probably seen tons of posts online about the importance of ending the stigma and starting conversations about mental illness – and that’s a good thing! Social media can often be a trigger for mental illness symptoms, but it’s also a platform where people can open up and be honest about their struggles.



My entire life I’ve been comparing myself to others. In college and high school I was constantly judging my value based on my peers’ value. I put so much thought into how people around me were doing in their lives and everything they had rather than focusing on how I was doing and what I had.


Controlling Emotions

It’s impossible to be in control of our emotions all the time. After all, we’re only human, and we react to things in different ways as they happen, whether we want to or not.


Building Resilience

Living with mental illness can feel overwhelming, debilitating, and that there’s no way out. This isn’t true however – building resiliency can help you from these thoughts and feelings from taking over and making things worse.


What is Sadfishing?

Unless you live across the pond, you probably haven’t heard of sadfishing. You may have experienced the phenomenon, but just without a name to give it.