Author: PAstudent7


Daily Mantras

I have been seeing more discussion about the use of daily mantras and decided to use them for myself over the past few weeks. A daily mantra is a phrase or sentence that you...


Mental Health Day 2022

Mental health day is coming up on October 10th, 2022. Mental Health Day is an international day for mental health education, awareness and advocacy. The holiday was first started in 1992 by an initiative...


Tension Headaches

  Have you ever had the headache where it feels like your head is just being squeezed by a million rubber bands? If you have, this is a tension headache and they are most...


When To Be Done With Therapy

There are two big questions when discussing therapy: when do I start and when am I done. Most people start therapy when they feel the need to talk to someone and get an unbiased...


Monthly Mental Health Quote

I wanted to share my monthly mental health quote. I like to pick different quotes and inspirational sayings and make them my “mantra” for a month. They help remind me what I am dealing...


Okay with Being Alone

Recently my roommate moved. After living in the same apartment together for about a year, I am alone. The apartment is now quiet and I have had to adjust. I used to do everything with my roommate. We would cook dinners together, go shopping together, and watch tv on the couch at the end of the night. Now that I am alone in a city where I don’t know many people, I am relying on myself more. I am a social person and have noticed that I feel pretty lonely since they have left. I have tried to get outside and keep myself occupied but it just feels different.


Light Therapy for SAD

During the winter months, depending on where you live, moods can change. You may feel sad and down during the winter months. Seasonal Affective Disorder is a common type of depression that can happen during the cold, dark winter months. Being from Pennsylvania, I have almost 4-5 months of frigid and dark days each year. I never knew why I felt more down, tired, and fatigued during these months. Knowing what I know now, I most likely experience Seasonal Affective Disorder or SAD. SAD is thought to be related to the lack of light during the winter months.


My Mental Health Quote of the Week

I have been dealing with a lot of stress and anxiety lately with a new move and new job that I have posted about previously. When I am having some rough mental health days, (or recently for me, mental health weeks), I often look to quotes.


A New Chapter

I have had A LOT going on the past month. All within a couple weeks, I graduated from my Master’s program, took and passed my medical boards, moved across the country and started a new adult job! To say I am a little overwhelmed is an understatement.