Tagged: support


The Green Ribbon Library

The Green Room Library is a developing platform designed to give adolescents, parents, caregivers, and more the opportunity to view educational videos on a variety of topics that can impact the mental health of teens and young adults.


When You Don’t Feel Supported by Your Dad

So like many teenage girls, I argue with my parents, but a lot more with my dad and about way more sensitive topics. My dad is a great father , he provides me with food, clothes, and a place to live along with other non essentials. All of that stuff is great, but what I’m looking for from him is something he could never buy me: love.


What is Sadfishing?

Unless you live across the pond, you probably haven’t heard of sadfishing. You may have experienced the phenomenon, but just without a name to give it.


Always Thinking What If?

One big thing I have always struggled with anxiety-wise are the “what ifs.” What if I fail this test? What if nobody likes me? What if I embarrass myself? What if….. The list goes...


When Should You Seek Help?

After what felt like a lifetime of being dissatisfied with my body, eating disorders, and depression, I finally sought help during my freshman year of college.


Relationships and Social Media

Social media is pervasive in most of our lives. This is especially true for teenagers and young adults, who are the first generation to spend their formative years online. Online access and connection is unarguably beneficial for many people, but it can also have negative consequences for mental health.


The Benefit of Group Therapy

Do you have one night a week free? Even just an hour of extra time? If so, you should try to join group therapy. I go to group therapy on my college campus, and it has changed my entire college experience for the better.


The Panic Attack Song

Everyone has their own ways of coping with anxiety and panic attacks, but for me, it can be very helpful to listen to a calm, comforting song. So, I decided to write my own song to do this! I talked with a few friends who have experienced panic attacks in their own unique ways, and wrote lyrics that can hopefully resonate with and help other people too ?