Tagged: summer


Staying Cool to Help Your Mood

Summer is officially in full swing, though, it may feel like it’s been that way for a while now if you’ve recently finished the school year or noticed just how hot and muggy it’s been.


Body image and summer

As the warm weather approaches, my social media feed goes straight to summer clothes and swimsuits. Stores become filled with tanktops and shorts and all I can think about is how I don’t want to see myself in any of them.


Summer Intentions

This is my last summer break until I graduating college in the fall, along with afterward starting a new year in the 9-5 full-time realm of my career. Although, that being said, I try to make the most of my summer breaks with the days I do get off work. I feel like making my summer plan makes me more productive, and a lot happier overall. That being said, I wanted to share a few things I do to accomplish this. 


Hats Off to a Fresh Start

As I scroll through Instagram, my feed is starting to fill up with a plethora of creative graduation posts, from tossing graduation hats to making nostalgic videos of old schools. Similar to my Instagram feed, my mind is starting to fill up too. I am so overjoyed to see my friends succeeding and smiling and I’m curious as to what everyone’s future plans and goals are. It is sad to feel some FOMO, both within myself for not being able to physically congratulate those who I love, and for others who may not be able to attend in-person ceremonies. But I am also anxious, frequently wondering, “will everything be okay?”


Clear and Refreshed

It is crazy to me just how much the weather can affect my mood. I have been curled up in my room–not even my house just my room–for the better part of this week. The weather decided to dive back into the 30s and 40s, which is so rude considering it was 70 before that. However, I am looking outside my window as I write this and even with the chill the sun is still shining. I have been putting off taking a package to the post office for a few days now because I do not want to leave the house, but change is coming! Tomorrow it is supposed to be warm and each day after it is supposed to heat up.


Semester Ends and Summer Begins

Because of the pandemic, I can’t wait to have my college semester end. This feeling I have is by no means that I dread or hate school, but is more so for the fact that I have become a workaholic between work and school since the start of the pandemic of last year. By having my semester end, I am freeing up a lot of time during my week, that can be used for well – me. 


A Fresh Start

Although it’s a time for relaxation, summer can easily feel mundane. For those on summer break, the lack of routine or structure can make the days feel like they’re all blurring together, and for those who work from Monday to Friday, even doing work during this time can feel sluggish and slower because of the heat.