Tagged: suicide


Boys’ Mental Health

With the recent rising rates of depression in the US, mental health is being recognized as a crisis in American youth. While mental illness is commonly thought to be associated with girls, statistics tell us that boys are just as vulnerable.


A Minority in Mental Health: Asian Americans

The “model minority stereotype” of Asian Americans perceives them to be hardworking, and academically, economically, and socially successful when compared to all other racial minority groups. Because of this, Asian Americans are assumed to be at less risk of mental health problems.


What is YST?

One of the best ways to deal with mental health issues is to talk about them. Starting a conversation can be hard, but being able to talk about your feelings can help you to understand and work through them

World Mental Health Day 0

World Mental Health Day

Today is World Mental Health Day. You’ve probably seen tons of posts online about the importance of ending the stigma and starting conversations about mental illness – and that’s a good thing! Social media can often be a trigger for mental illness symptoms, but it’s also a platform where people can open up and be honest about their struggles.


We R Native

Native Americans and Alaskan Natives (shortened to AIAN) make up nearly 3 million people in the United States today. The proportion of AIAN youth in the community is higher than that of the total...


Having a #RealConvo

This month is Mental Health Awareness Month. Even though the conversations about mental health, mental illness, and breaking down the stigma have continued to increase and become more mainstream, there is still a long...