Tagged: positive


Acknowledging the Good

We have talked about expressing and writing down gratitude plenty of times before. No matter how big and how small, being able to name anything positive can have an impact on your mental health...


Positivity During Thanksgiving

You’ve probably seen a lot of posts and ads about giving thanks, especially now that the Thanksgiving holiday is near. In general, this time of year is one meant to be filled with joy...

Street art on brick. Art is of a hand with white skin holding a phone. The hand has a silver ring on the ring finger and is wearing a dark yellow sweater. Over the phone is a red message box with a heart and the number 1. 0

Likes, Comments, & Shares – Social Currency

Social media has connected the world unlike anything else ever has. You can keep in contact with friends and family with ease as while as share individual experiences with the world. Social media has undeniably changed how we all interact with one another, but can it also lead to negative outcomes?

using laptop and smiling 7

Learning How to Be Alone

I have noticed that I struggle with loneliness. With the encouragement of my therapist, I spent this Thanksgiving break focusing on myself and re-learning what I like to do. I rediscovered some of my...


Daily Mantras

I have been seeing more discussion about the use of daily mantras and decided to use them for myself over the past few weeks. A daily mantra is a phrase or sentence that you...


The Act of Smiling

You might have heard the phrase that it takes more muscles to frown than it does to smile. The amount of muscles that it takes is up for debate (some places say it takes...


Curating a Personally Positive Social Media Experience

While it’s impossible to tell everyone that you’re following on any of your social media platforms what they should be posting, it can sometimes be tempting to. This is true now more than ever: there are common themes of the kinds of posts that you’ve likely seen on your feeds, and while some are more helpful than others, it can get overwhelming, stress-inducing, and quite frankly, just not the type of content that you want to see right now.


Curating a Personally Positive Social Media Experience

While it’s impossible to tell everyone that you’re following on any of your social media platforms what they should be posting, it can sometimes be tempting to. This is true now more than ever: there are common themes of the kinds of posts that you’ve likely seen on your feeds, and while some are more helpful than others, it can get overwhelming, stress-inducing, and quite frankly, just not the type of content that you want to see right now.