“Is It My Fault?”

A common mindset among those who are diagnosed with mental illnesses is wondering if it’s something that they brought onto themselves. There may be guilt associated with it, like the person thinking they did...


You Will Make It Through

It is hard to see the light at the end of the tunnel when you’re in the middle of a crisis. Learning how to cope and give myself grace in those moments is a...


Sickness and School

As fall is coming around, more and more people are beginning to get sick. For students, this can make everything a bit more difficult. Feeling drowsy, congested, or dry makes everyday activities like waking...


A Minority in Mental Health: Asian Americans

The “model minority stereotype” of Asian Americans perceives them to be hardworking, and academically, economically, and socially successful when compared to all other racial minority groups. Because of this, Asian Americans are assumed to...


Why Do We Like Getting Scared?

Whether it’s celebrating on the first day of Autumn, the entire month of October, or just on Halloween, it’s not just the time for posting photos of changing leaf colors and apple picking, but...


Daily Mantras

I have been seeing more discussion about the use of daily mantras and decided to use them for myself over the past few weeks. A daily mantra is a phrase or sentence that you...


Sounds (and fury)

Note: this post has nothing to do with William Faulkner or Shakespeare, though if you’re adding to your collection of facts for trivia night, check out the above links. This post considers sounds —...

Trick or Treat 1

Trick or Treat

Chances are, we’re well into your favorite time of year. Most people say that autumn is their favorite season (though other sources say people prefer spring, but both seasons are very popular), and included...