Tagged: links


Video Games about Mental Health

More often than not, people have a negative view of video games and its relationship with mental health. Video games are often associated with addiction and seen as a poor coping mechanism. Those who...


Mental Health Dictionaries

No matter where you are in your mental health journey, you’ve probably had to look up a term because you’re not quite sure what it exactly means. Mental health is just that, health, so...

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Getting Out of the Mud

Have you ever been so stuck in the mud of your own thoughts? In these moments where we stand our ground in our beliefs and perceptions, we exhibit a fixed mindset. Fixed mindsets often...


The Fury (of sounds)

Do you remember that post about ASMR? Well, we’re taking off the gloves today — or perhaps we’re putting them on — because now it is all about the sounds that might be harming...


A Minority in Mental Health: Asian Americans

The “model minority stereotype” of Asian Americans perceives them to be hardworking, and academically, economically, and socially successful when compared to all other racial minority groups. Because of this, Asian Americans are assumed to...


“When I Came Out”

It kind of makes sense that National Coming Out Day (10/11) is the day after World Mental Health Day (10/10). Mental health and mental illness are almost always tied to marginalized groups, with those...


Indigenous Peoples Day 2022

October 10th was Indigenous Peoples Day 2022. Here some links to find mental health resources for indigenous communities and read/watch stories from indigenous youth IndigiLOVE Campaign – We R Native This resource is created...


Practicing Radical Self-Care

Self-care has become a term that always pops up when talking about mental health and wellness. The most common image is that of meditating, taking a bath, or doing a face mask. And while...



Have you heard of Headspace? Headspace is both a website and an app that helps promote mindfulness in everyday living. We like Headspace because it breaks meditation and mindfulness practices down into easy to digest...


How Our Genes Are Not Set In Stone

One of the most interesting areas of mental health research is “epigenetics”—the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than changing the genetic code itself. In plain language, that means that...