Category: Educate Yourself


Stress and Headaches

Luckily, I am someone who does not get headaches very often. Most of the time it’s when I forget my morning coffee. I can take a couple Ibuprofen and it goes away and I move along with my day.


Rewriting Nightmares

Nightmares are never fun. They can feel like horror movies come to life, often times created specifically for you and the things that terrify and worry you the most.


The Stigma of Talking About Your Mental Illness

Growing up, my family always had a stigma over mental health. I grew up believing therapy was for “crazy people” and that if you feel depressed or anxious, you should just spend more time with your friends or go do something outside instead of taking medication or talking to a therapist.


Setting Emotional Boundaries

Experiencing depression or anxiety, along with other mood disorders, often feels as if there’s a weight placed on you. It’s this overwhelming heavy feeling, as if you have a bag full of bricks strapped to your back.


Excuse to Exercise

Going into your freshman year of college is both exhilarating and nerve-wracking. I felt so alone and so helpless at times. Even at times where I was surrounded by my friends, I felt alone.


New to the Blog, New to Blogging

Hi, guys! This is my first blog post ever. After a suggestion from my therapist to write about living with major depressive disorder, I came across SOVA and thought I should give it a try since I found writing to be therapeutic in the past.


Coping with college

I was a freshman in college not too long ago. I was nervous but excited to embark in my new journey. I struggled my first semester due to academic factors such as classes and exams. The new environment was was another factor.