Understanding Our Values

Understanding what values are and what we value can make a big difference in how we set goals. It can be difficult, though, to know what exactly a “value” is. Below is a list of some common values that you can rank from 1 to 10 as most to least important for you.
Common Values:
Love Wealth Family Morals Success Knowledge Beauty Power Friends Honesty Humility Loyalty Reason Independence Stability | Spirituality Achievement Success Fun Freedom Peace Respect Creativity Safety Relaxation Recognition Popularity Openness Wisdom Variety |
NOTE: This is not a final list, so if you see one on here that doesn’t fit for you, feel free to write in your own! Be sure to make this ranking personal to you as values can differ per person.
If it is tricky thinking of your own values, imagine what the values of those around you might be. For example, what might your family values be vs. a famous person’s values?
It is 100% okay if your values aren’t the same as someone else’s, there are no right or wrong choices!
What are some values that you identify with? How have your values related to your goals?