Tagged: wellbeing


Acknowledging the Good

We have talked about expressing and writing down gratitude plenty of times before. No matter how big and how small, being able to name anything positive can have an impact on your mental health...


Acknowledging the Good as They Occur

We’ve talked about expressing and writing down gratitude plenty of times before. No matter how big and how small, being able to name anything positive can have an impact on your mental health and wellbeing. Whether it’s being able to acknowledge the good things at the end of the day or being able to look back and read them if you’re feeling down, remembering that there are always good things that can happen, even when it doesn’t feel like it and knowing there’s a light when things feel bleak can make the biggest difference.


Well Beings

This week, we wanted to highlight a website that uses videos and storytelling as a way for teens and young adults to be open about their mental health and well-being and how a variety of things can affect them.


Weekend Reads: Ramadan and Mental Health

This year, Mental Health Awareness Month overlaps with the Islamic month of Ramadan. The simplest association with Ramadan is fasting: from sunrise to sunset everyday, Muslims who are able to fast do not eat or drink anything (even water).


Acknowledging the Good as They Occur

We’ve talked about expressing and writing down gratitude plenty of times before. No matter how big and how small, being able to name anything positive can have an impact on your mental health and wellbeing.



A few months ago, my anxiety was at a peak. I was dealing with stress and dissatisfaction at my job and was stressing over money after having just moved. I’ve been a regular yoga practitioner for years, but never got much out of the meditation side of it. But I needed something to calm me down.


Making Opening a New Tab an Activity

We realistically spend a lot of time on the internet. While part of that time is spent on the phone, we’re usually glued to our computers and laptops in some way. Whether that be for doing research for school, googling something for work, or just having a place to watch videos, taking quizzes, or talking to friends online, the internet is as present in our lives as breathing, and it’s easy to end up spending hours on it.


An App to Consider: Aura

Aura is a wellness app that’s available for both iPhones and Androids. Like other meditation and wellness apps, it provides tons of features so that you can get the experience that’s best for you.


Weekend Reads: Ramadan and Mental Health

This year, Mental Health Awareness Month overlaps with the Islamic month of Ramadan. The simplest association with Ramadan is fasting: from sunrise to sunset everyday, Muslims who are able to do not eat or...


Taking a Deep Breath

Tips, advice, and articles talking about the benefits of mindfulness and well-being are everywhere. Blogs and websites (including this one!) have a lot to offer about the ways in which we can find ways...