Tagged: transition


Transitioning to Therapy Virtually

Telehealth isn’t new. With technology advancing and becoming more accessible, telehealth has evolved with it. Having an alternative access to a doctor, therapist, public health professional, or any other kind of medical expert makes a huge difference.


A Quiet Quarantine

I know we are all going through a similar experience right now. Boredom. Stress. Anxiety. Confusion and fear. Probably infinite amounts of feelings. If there is one thing I have realized during this quarantine, it is that you never know how you will react to things until they have happened.


Putting Yourself Back Out There

I’m going to be candid here: I have never done well with breakups. Not that anyone really does well with them, but I can definitely say that I handle them worse than the average person (which has been confirmed by the two therapists I’ve had during these breakups).

Weekend Reads: Starting College 3

Weekend Reads: Starting College

To put it simply: starting college can be one of the most exciting and most stressful times in our lives. Major transitions in our lives like starting a new school, moving, and navigating and...


Ways to Make Starting College a Little Easier

If you’re starting your first year in college, chances are, you’re thinking about a lot of things. Where to buy your dorm items, getting in touch with your roommate, preparing for a completely different...


The back-to-school transition

August is upon us and that time of the year is quickly approaching!  Stores are already advertising “back-to-school” sales on all the products to prepare you for the new school year.  However, what does your mental...


Transition Year

If you plan to go to college, this transition can be one of the largest transitions that will happen in your life. Every aspect of it is new, and it can come with many...


Watch What You Post

Social media is the perfect way to show your friends what you have been up to. However, if you are not careful, posting certain things on social media can have horrible consequences:   He...