Tagged: stigma


The Stand Together Initiative

For young people with mental health concerns, school can be a negative space. Individuals with mental health concerns, like anxiety and depression, can come up against stigma from their classmates, and maybe even the...


Balancing Work and Mental Health

A major part of adolescence and young adulthood is finding and keeping a job. When struggling with anxiety or depression, this can create obstacles to being successful in your work. Many questions can arise:...


Giving your Profile an Update

Maybe you’ve already noticed that some folks have images beside their nicknames here on the SOVA website. We want everyone to be able to have a photo there! Remember something that will not identify...


National Alliance on Mental Illness

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the United States’ largest grassroots mental health organization. NAMI is dedicated to building better lives for millions of American’s affected by mental illness through education, advocacy, listening,...


How to Block Someone on Facebook

Sometimes you need to block someone out of your life. Maybe they bully you in real life or online. You do not have to tolerate that. There’s an easy way to make yourself “invisible”...


Who are you?

What words describe you? If someone did not know you at all – how would you describe yourself? You could probably make a long list of things. People are not one-dimensional. And even if...

Self-Care Outside of Therapy 0

Self-Care Outside of Therapy

Actual Conversation: Person 1: I go to therapy every week, why do I need to do anything else about this? Person 2: If you do your self-care work, therapy is going to go a lot...


Writing away the Stigma

I recently found out about this book Writing Away the Stigma: Ten Courageous Writers Tell True Stories About Depression, Bipolar Disorder, ADHD, OCD, PTSD & more One in four American adults will endure the trials of...