Tagged: self-care


Practicing Radical Self-Care

Self-care has become a term that always pops up when talking about mental health and wellness. The most common image is that of meditating, taking a bath, or doing a face mask. And while this is great, self-care is so much more than that. While these moments of nurture are helpful, self-care is a radical act for many as they learn to put their needs, emotions, and well-being first.


Exploring New Coping Mechanisms in 2021

Given the past year and the ongoing conversations about how important self-care is, you might be considering more ways to explore and include coping mechanisms that really help you. This can be the predictable ones like exercising more, incorporating more meditation practices, and journaling and writing things down, and you may have added a bunch of relevant items in your online shopping carts to help support these goals.


Practicing Radical Self-Care

Self-care has become a term that always pops up when talking about mental health and wellness. The most common image is that of meditating, taking a bath, or doing a face mask. And while this is great, self-care is so much more than that. While these moments of nurture are helpful, self-care is a radical act for many as they learn to put their needs, emotions, and well-being first.


How Do You “Self-Care?”

There are so many ways people have tried to take care of themselves. At certain times face masks seemed like a great answer for a spa night. Sometimes people enjoy working out or going for a walk outside to get some fresh air. I am curious about what are some of the best things everyone else does when you feel like you need a moment to yourself?


Going Back to Work

Last Wednesday, I received a phone call from my boss that my business was opening back up on Tuesday and I’d be starting back up at full time, just like before I left. I couldn’t believe it; I had been furloughed during the COVID-19 crisis and had just hit two months of being unemployed.

A Message To Those Struggling During COVID-19 2

A Message To Those Struggling During COVID-19

If you asked me what I’d be doing around this time six months ago, I’d tell you that I’d be preparing for college, becoming more excited for the summer, and finishing off my junior year with my friends who were about to graduate. I’m someone who loves change, but does not like when things do not go as planned. 


Weekend Reads: Ramadan and Mental Health

This year, Mental Health Awareness Month overlaps with the Islamic month of Ramadan. The simplest association with Ramadan is fasting: from sunrise to sunset everyday, Muslims who are able to fast do not eat or drink anything (even water).


Four Christmas Gifts that Promote Self-Care

With the holiday season in full swing, you may be stumped on what to get your friends and family members. I think gifts should show people you care about them, help bring out the individuality of the receiver and bring joy well after the holiday season.

5 Ways to Keep a Level Head for the Start of School 0

5 Ways to Keep a Level Head for the Start of School

With the splendor of summer coming to an end and the stress of the school year following shortly behind, it’s important we maintain our sanity and stability through these busy transitions.  One way we can help keep our anxiety levels low during this time is by creating and consistently maintaining self-care routines before our schedules get crazy.  Then, when things do start to pick up, our self-care is already built into our daily lives.