Tagged: reputation

What Does Privacy Mean To You? 0

What Does Privacy Mean To You?

What does privacy mean to you when it comes to social media? What does it mean to you when something is on Facebook or another social media website? Is anything truly private once it’s...


New Years Resolutions

It may seem like the everyone around you is having a great time declaring their New Year’s Resolutions all over the internet. No matter where you look someone is posting about making it to...


Invisible Illness

Depression is not a “visible” health issue. It doesn’t announce itself to the world with a cast, or stitches, or vomiting. Depression is sneaky. It can be hard to talk about. Hard to define....


What Does Privacy Mean to You?

What does privacy mean to you when it comes to Social Media? What does it mean to you when something is on Facebook or another social media website? Is anything truly private once it’s...


Giving your Profile an Update

Maybe you’ve already noticed that some folks have images beside their nicknames here on the SOVA website. We want everyone to be able to have a photo there! Remember something that will not identify...