Tagged: relationships


Talking to Your Parents

Talking to your parents can be tough so we found a great article to help you get started! Some excellent pointers are: If you do not have the most open relationship with your parents,...


Toxic Relationships

For years, I have been in a toxic relationship. This relationship was not always toxic. In fact, the first two years were pure bliss. It was not until we each went to college that...


Communication Tips

We found a great article about how to have more effective communication, not just with your parents, but with everyone (e.g., friends, peers, colleagues, partners). Why this resource is helpful: It gives advice on good communication,...


How To Use Empathy

This video was based on a TED talk by Dr. Brené Brown. She is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent more than a decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness,...


Tips for Telling Others About Your Depression

Depression is often times misunderstood. This can often cause apprehension surrounding sharing  your feelings of depression with others, compounding with the symptoms of depression that a person is already feeling. When preparing to tell...


Angry on Social Media

How many times have you noticed someone “vaguebooking” on Facebook? More likely to be angry than happy. Is it useful? Probably not. Many times when people post vague messages they are looking for attention,...


Social Media and Self-Esteem

The urge to maintain an online presence can be exhausting. Sure, social media isn’t always negative, but there are important things to keep in mind about using social media that can prevent it from being...


Healthy Peer Relationships

Relationships with peers are an important part of life. There are many different kinds of relationships young people can have with their peers –including friendships, dating relationships. But as with all human relationships, issues...


Giving your Profile an Update

Maybe you’ve already noticed that some folks have images beside their nicknames here on the SOVA website. We want everyone to be able to have a photo there! Remember something that will not identify...