Tagged: feelings


How to Use Empathy

This video was based on a TED talk by Dr. Brené Brown. She is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent more than a decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness,...


The Power of “Both/And”

How often have we found ourselves saying “either…or”? Either I support this person or take care of myself Either I feel grief or relief Either I succeed or fail When we find ourselves caught...


Is It Okay To Vent?

Venting is a way of verbally airing one’s frustrations with others. It can be super emotional and intense. And depending on the way you handle it, venting might feel like a ton of bricks was taken off...


Thinking about Independence

Happy Independence Day! Today’s holiday celebrates the action of the Continental Congress, which on July 4, 1776 declared that the 13 colonies would be colonies no more, but independent states. Of course Britain, who...


Is It Okay to Vent?

Venting is a way of verbally airing one’s frustrations with others. It can be super emotional and intense. And depending on the way you handle it, venting might feel like a ton of bricks was taken off...


Making Your Activities Count

When you’re struggling with mental illness, it can be very useful to have certain activities where you can divert your attention from unpleasant thoughts and focus on something you enjoy. This could be anything...


Talking to Parents

Communicating with your parents is good for your health! We found this research study about teens’ relationships with their parents and we thought it was very interesting. This is why we think this resource...