Putting Yourself First

Has anyone ever felt like friends or family are burdening you with things you may not be prepared to deal with?

I feel like this quite frequently- whether it be a close friend or family member. I am someone that is very open to listening and helping anyone who is in need. My friends and family know this and sometimes without them knowing, I feel like they pour their feelings onto me and think for some reason that it will not affect me. However, this is not the case. Recently, I’ve felt like life has been hard for many people around me; myself included. This doesn’t mean that I do not want to help those people who are in need, but this is a time where I am required and need to put myself first.

It has always been easy for me to listen to anyone that feels comfortableThis image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is ahmed-nishaath-T0h7UtRNAQ0-unsplash-709x1024.jpg opening up. In addition, I am always someone that tries my hardest to give the best advice (without judgement) and support anyone who needs it. Sometimes though, I feel that people are giving me more of their negative vibes than I can handle. I have talked many people down and through some terrible things- they all appreciate the help. The problem becomes then how is this beneficial to myself, how can I put myself first through this, how is the experience going to benefit me in the long run?

Maybe there isn’t an answer to this, but I think it is hard to come up with an answer. I think that it has taught me that I can always be someone who is there for my family and friends. It has also taught me to work through some hard challenges that life can throw at you at any moment and do so in a way that is supported by another person. The issue with all of this is that it becomes very hard to be happy if you are constantly listening, worrying, and helping other people’s problems before your own.

If anyone has any tips on how they work to put themselves first, work through their own problems, and think positively even when you think you can’t go anymore; please comment your regimes and responses below!

What are some ways in which you put yourself first? Have you struggled with balancing your needs while supporting others? If so, how do you find ways to prioritize your wellbeing?

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