Quarantine and Motivation

Since everything has changed around us, I find myself in a “motivational funk.” I find it hard to focus on my online school, keep up with my studies and even write this blog post. My mind is just in other places and its hard not to think about and worry about the things going on in the world around us. I sleep in and I stay up late and haven’t accomplished any of the work I need to do. I know this is going to end up hurting me in the long run, but it is hard for me to focus on the necessary tasks at hand. I did some research on ways to keep motivated and wanted to share some tips and tricks that have helped me in the last couple days.
1. Reduce your daily distractions
I have stepped away from my phone and social media for certain times a day and have been able to focus more on my school work and the tasks I need to do.
2. Have a set schedule
I have worked on going to sleep earlier and waking up earlier. I will also designate certain times to my studies and schedule in breaks to not get too burnt out.
3. Treat yourself
When you finish your work, allow yourself to have your favorite snack or watch an episode of your favorite show. It helps you work toward the things you need to do and motivates me.
Keeping motivated is something we are all going to have to deal with in this transition to online life. Keeping life as normal as you can in school and work is so important. These techniques have really helped me out of my rut and get back on track for my school work.
What techniques do you use when you start to feel unmotivated?
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