Category: LINKS


Practicing Radical Self-Care

Self-care has become a term that always pops up when talking about mental health and wellness. The most common image is that of meditating, taking a bath, or doing a face mask. And while...


How to Use Empathy

This video was based on a TED talk by Dr. Brené Brown. She is a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work. She has spent more than a decade studying vulnerability, courage, worthiness,...



Have you heard of Headspace? Headspace is both a website and an app that helps promote mindfulness in everyday living. We like Headspace because it breaks meditation and mindfulness practices down into easy to digest...


How Our Genes Are Not Set In Stone

One of the most interesting areas of mental health research is “epigenetics”—the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than changing the genetic code itself. In plain language, that means that...


National Alliance on Mental Illness

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the United States’ largest grassroots mental health organization. NAMI is dedicated to building better lives for millions of American’s affected by mental illness through education, advocacy, listening,...


Communicating during Conflict

In any type of relationship, conflicts are bound to happen. Having conflict sometimes isn’t necessarily a bad thing, some say it’s even healthy for a relationship. However, there are times during conflict where one...


The Power of “Both/And”

How often have we found ourselves saying “either…or”? Either I support this person or take care of myself Either I feel grief or relief Either I succeed or fail When we find ourselves caught...