Category: LINKS


Music for Healing

What draws people to music are not just how catchy songs can be and the artists’ personalities, but also the subject matter. Music allows those performing, writing, and listening to it to express themselves...


Linking with a Buddy

It’s not uncommon for those with mental illnesses to experience loneliness. Sometimes, it’s the brain tricking you into thinking you’re alone despite being around people close to you, or it can be self-inflicted and...


Finding a Therapist for Minorities

When someone imagines a therapist, the typical image that comes up is that of an older white man or a young white woman. Unfortunately, this is more often accurate than not. A recent study...


Ways to Get Organized

Having a clean space and putting things in order have been proven to be calming, even to the point that they can help with anxiety. Sometimes, the most nerve-wracking part about getting organized is...


The Hunt for Podcasts

Podcasts have boosted in popularity in recent years. Pretty much anyone can start one, about any topic, and talk for as long as they want about it, with a few tangents and distractions here...


A Penguin to Talk to

Sometimes, we just need someone to talk to, but for whatever reason, we might need be able to do so. We may feel uncomfortable with the stuff we want to share, or it may...

Hang Out Online in the “Facing Us Clubhouse” 0

Hang Out Online in the “Facing Us Clubhouse”

This is the Facing Us Clubhouse. Each room has something special to help young people with symptoms of depression or bipolar disorder. There are six “rooms” in the clubhouse, each with fun and useful tips and...


Bringing Some Color In

There are many outlets to take advantage of if you need a distraction that go beyond procrastination purposes. These kinds of situations can include  sitting on public transit, waiting for a doctor’s appointment, or...