Category: COVID-19


Quarantine and Motivation

Since everything has changed around us, I find myself in a “motivational funk.” I find it hard to focus on my online school, keep up with my studies and even write this blog post. My mind is just in other places and its hard not to think about and worry about the things going on in the world around us.

Quarantine and Depression 1

Quarantine and Depression

My depression and anxiety have lowered during quarantine, but for some of my friends it has increased. For me, the pressure of seeing friends, going out to public places, awkward small talk, is all being avoided with the help of COVID-19.


Understanding the Mental Health Effects from COVID-19

There are tons of resources online addressing the mental health effects that are resulting because of the constant COVID news, self-isolation, and the uncertainty about when this will all be over. And that’s a good thing! It can also feel overwhelming to be told how we should be coping and told that feeling vulnerable to depressive and anxious episodes is almost inevitable.


Expressing and Feeling Grief

You may have seen an article from the Harvard Business Review floating around your social media sites recently. If not, this article puts a name to one of the many emotions you’re likely feeling right now as everything has turned upside down: grief.


A Quiet Quarantine

I know we are all going through a similar experience right now. Boredom. Stress. Anxiety. Confusion and fear. Probably infinite amounts of feelings. If there is one thing I have realized during this quarantine, it is that you never know how you will react to things until they have happened.