Author: light_in_the_darkness


A Distant Notion

Most Americans are familiar with the saying, “Distance makes the heart grow fonder.” Many can attest to its truth as well.   My girlfriend recently returned to her home state to visit her family...


Does it Really Matter?

Some things are more important than others. Do I have enough food and water? Am I safe? Do I have people to talk to and share a genuine connection with? These things are very important. How many “likes” did my post get? Do I have the newest Apple product? Is my bed made? Did Jonny use a coaster? These things are less important (not unimportant, simply less important). 


Coping with the Uncontrollable

Globalization is the process of increasing economic and cultural interdependence between different peoples across Earth. Although globalization has shown an overall trend of growth over the course of human history, major global events can cause a “ripple” in the process (either contributing or detracting from it). These ripples often have far-reaching effects on people across the globe.


A Major Dilemma

The modern world is one of increasing interconnection and complication. With that comes diverse interactions with diverse people, both on and offline. It is up to each individual who they choose to associate with and which facts and opinions they choose to buy into. A recent conversation with my fellow twenty-somethings ended up focusing on the construct of social media. Social media giants like Facebook and Twitter consume the daily attention of hundreds of millions of users. While neither inherently good nor bad (in my opinion), it is important that social media users realize why they see what they see when using most commercialized social media apps.


Stay Productive

People need to rest sometimes. That is a given. However, knowing how to find the proper balance between work and rest is not a given. Note that proper balancing of these two forces is different for each and every person. Nevertheless, it is up to each one of us to find the optimal mix for ourselves.


Keep Moving Forward

I recently watched Meet the Robinsons, a Disney movie released in 2007. The central theme of Meet the Robinsons is the catchphrase of the futuristic and quirky Robinson family, “Keep moving forward!” I found this an especially enriching, relatable theme.


Gradual Goals for Growth

Life is complicated. That is no secret. Where the secret lies in how to approach life effectively, often one step at a time. Confucius once said, “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” This quote provides an effective illustration of this point.


Keep it in Perspective!

A key contribution to my personal growth away from anxiety and depression has been keeping seemingly impactful negative thoughts in perspective with reality. Many times I have found myself having an average/decent day and letting turn for the worse due to the isolation originating from negative self-talk.