Gradual Goals for Growth

Life is complicated. That is no secret. Where the secret lies in how to approach life effectively, often one step at a time. Confucius once said, “The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying away small stones.” This quote provides an effective illustration of this point.

Think of life as a mountain. Although massive and overwhelming at first sight, one must realize the behemoth in front of them is comprised of numerous, smaller parts. Each of these parts can usually be approached gradually. Most often, not every aspect of one’s life needs simultaneous, immediate attention: education, work, finances, relationships, and children.

Although you might be in high school now with thoughts of college and/or career looming, there are ways to prepare for what is coming at you next without becoming overwhelmed. If it helps, give primary focus to only two or three medium/long-term goals at a time.

For a high school student, getting the best grades possible and graduating should be among one’s top priorities. When things are less hectic in your class/homework schedule, take thirty minutes or so to research and pursue your next, most immediate challenge. This could be looking for summer work or researching college or trade school programs that interest you.

Although life is complicated and sometimes difficult to navigate, there are numerous ways to cope with it. Placing one’s primary focus on their present and immediate future is one such way.

What is your current, most pressing task or goal? What is a more distant future goal you have? How can you go about balancing your time and attention based on the importance and immediacy of both your present and future goals?

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