Author: Kit_smiles



When talking about being an introvert I don’t want to make it seem like I struggle to communicate to people because I really don’t. Due to different life circumstances, I am a bit skeptical...



I thought I was ready. Putting myself out there has always been a hard pill to swallow. I can admit that I’ve reached my first stage of what feels like burn out at age...


Some goodbyes are destined to happen

I have been so self-confident over the past few months, but sometimes I wonder if it’s true or if it’s an act. When being faced with situations where it’s clear that I’m getting to know someone who doesn’t respect me, or it’s clear that an old friend is trying to take advantage of my kindness, I wonder what my responses to these things show about myself. Dealing with difficult people is not my strong point at all. I always go for the idea that it’s good to let people express themselves, but sometimes I question that thought and think to myself, “at what expense.”


At Ease

I’ve been feeling more at ease lately. In the past my self-esteem has not always been great – whenever I try to remember past me it’s like I don’t recognize her. I can no...


Weirdest Introduction

Hi, it’s Kit not Kit kat but Kit smiles because that’s what I want to do more often. Today I was on Snapchat, but for most of the day I was doing intensive research on my laptop on all sorts of things. I go on my Snapchat and I was sent streaks , which is like snap pics you send to friends. The most weirdest streak was from the guy I was seeing, he sent me a streak and I seen his tabs in which he had a tab entitled “my ex,” and how devastating (sarcasm).