Tagged: stress relief

woman crying in a shop 0

It’s OK to cry!

As a new school year begins, things are already hectic. Where are my classes? Will my books be expensive? Are my teachers understanding? The questions race by faster than I can handle, and just because the school year is starting doesn’t mean that my other problems just go away. So I sat down and cried.

photo of a hallway. the walls are painted in a rainbow going from green to teal to blue to red to orange to yellow. 0

Bringing Some Color In

There are many outlets to take advantage of if you need a distraction that go beyond procrastination purposes. These kinds of situations can include sitting on public transit, waiting for a doctor’s appointment, or...

photo of a hallway. the walls are painted in a rainbow going from green to teal to blue to red to orange to yellow. 0

Bringing Some Color In

There are many outlets to take advantage of if you need a distraction that go beyond procrastination purposes. These kinds of situations can include sitting on public transit, waiting for a doctor’s appointment, or...


The Nap Ministry

On October 13th, 2022 I stumbled across a post from The New York Times about “The Nap Bishop.” When in college, The Nap Ministry founder Tricia Hershey was constantly busy working, studying, taking care...


Coloring Books: A Stress Reliver

In my self-care journey, I have explored many self-care activities to find what works for me, like spending time outdoors, talking to a trusted friend about a problem, a spa day, reading, or just...


Calming Down Through…Smell?

Take a moment to think of scents that make you happy. It could be the smell of your favorite food, your significant other’s perfume, or the scent of opening up a new binder.


Pursuing Passions Even When Your Busy

This is something only for the past year since the pandemic started that I really tried to make more of an effort on: to make sure you’re pursuing activities and hobbies you are passionate about even when it feels like you don’t have time, and all in all that is to ensure you do not burn out from overworking and stress.

20 Activities for When You Need Some Relaxation 6

20 Activities for When You Need Some Relaxation

You don’t need me to tell you that this year has been a very stressful time. With the year coming to a close, I want to take the opportunity to find some techniques that will help me take a step back and work on relaxing and be more mindful. If you ever feel like you are getting stressed or overwhelmed, try one of these activities and see how it can help!


Stress and Headaches

Luckily, I am someone who does not get headaches very often. Most of the time it’s when I forget my morning coffee. I can take a couple Ibuprofen and it goes away and I move along with my day.