Tagged: sleep


Using Social Media at Night

It may be hard for some to remember the last time that they got a proper, full night’s sleep. Schoolwork, jobs, and extracurricular activities are just a few things that can contribute to an...


Improving Sleep

We posted our interview with Dr. Levenson last week about her work in researching sleeping patterns in adolescents and how continuously getting a good night’s rest is important during this time. However, sleeping patterns...

Better Sleep, Better You 2

Better Sleep, Better You

We recently had the chance to speak with Dr. Jessica C. Levenson again, a licensed clinical psychologist and assistant professor of psychiatry at the University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine. She investigates techniques and...


Depression Naps

As one of the more notable symptoms of depression, napping or sleeping for long periods of time can suck time out of the day. Naps during the day mean that the time to do...

Losing Sleep Over FOMO 0

Losing Sleep Over FOMO

Have you ever been in the library and checked your phone compulsively while slaving away on a final paper or cramming for a final exam? Are you checking to see what other people are...


Coping with Social Anxiety

Have you ever gone to a party or had to talk in front of others and felt sick to your stomach with anxiety about the prospect? Have you ever felt so nauseated and shaky about others...


Losing Sleep Over FOMO

Have you ever been in the library and checked your phone compulsively while slaving away on on a final paper or cramming for a final exam? Are you checking to see what other people...


Keep Calm and Listen to White Noise

Sometimes you might want to listen to something while you’re reading, working, or trying to relax but music is too distracting. Try a “white noise” app or website! On noisy summer nights, you can...


Self-care: Sleep matters too!

How can we take care of others if we don’t—or won’t—take care of ourselves? Flight attendants instruct us that, in the event of crisis, we must put our own oxygen masks on before trying to...


Sleep Cycle

As a college student who suffered from insomnia, it has been a tough fight for me to show up and pay attention in class. I tried all of the resources that my school offered:...