Tagged: research


A Smartphone-Less Week

Have you ever wanted to try going off the grid for a while, or even just wanted to see what happens if you didn’t have your phone on you, period. There are a number of benefits, but the effects aren’t always positive. Regardless of the situation, have you ever found yourself itching to use your phone when it wasn’t on you?


Food for Thought

We all know about the brain and its complexities, but is this the only organ to blame for mental health concerns? I’ve been studying medicine for awhile, but only recently did I become interested in the “second brain.” This is the enteric nervous system (ENS) – the nerve cells lining the entire gastrointestinal tract. Many people are aware of the link between the gut and mental health, but it’s being studied constantly.


A Smartphone-Less Week

Have you ever wanted to try going off the grid for a while, or even just wanted to see what happens if you didn’t have your phone on you, period? We’ve talked in the...


Reducing Test Anxiety

One of the greatest causes of stress in adolescents is feeling like that they have to do well in school. A significant contributor to this, and what determines a good portion of grades, are tests. This...


Current Studies by Dr. Forbes

Recently, we did a spotlight on Dr. Erika Forbes, a Professor of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh. Now that you know a little bit about her, we want to tell...


Professional Spotlight: Dr. Erika Forbes

Three team members of the SOVA Project recently sat down to interview Dr. Erika Forbes.  Dr. Forbes is a Professor of Psychiatry, Pediatrics, and Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh.  Dr. Forbes is also...