Tagged: parents


When You Don’t Feel Supported by Your Dad

So like many teenage girls, I argue with my parents, but a lot more with my dad and about way more sensitive topics. My dad is a great father , he provides me with food, clothes, and a place to live along with other non essentials. All of that stuff is great, but what I’m looking for from him is something he could never buy me: love.


Youths, Adults, and Conceptions about Social Media

Look online and you’re likely going to find guides upon tips upon warnings about how adolescents use social media and how parents should monitor and be cautious about their children’s’ activity online – with almost all of them being written by adults. The opposite is less likely to occur, where these same adolescents can openly express what they wish adults and parents knew about their social media use.


Talking to Your Parents

Talking to your parents can be tough so we found a great article to help you get started! Some excellent pointers are: If you do not have the most open relationship with your parents,...


Talking to Parents

Communicating with your parents is good for your health! We found this research study about teens’ relationships with their parents and we thought it was very interesting. This is why we think this resource...


Therapy Options

KidsMentalHealth.org is a great place to start when considering family therapy or if you have questions about how therapy can help you or if you wanted to have family therapy. There are many pages on...


Body Talk

  Often one of the hardest topics to bring up with an adult is the changes that are happening to your body. However, there are some things that simply shouldn’t be left to your...


National Alliance on Mental Illness

The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) is the United States’ largest grassroots mental health organization. NAMI is dedicated to building better lives for millions of American’s affected by mental illness through education, advocacy, listening,...


A shoulder to lean on

If you really needed help, who could you count on? You might think first of a friend your own age, and while they may be good at listening and empathizing with you, they might...