Tagged: outdoors


Finding Positivity this Summer

As temperatures begin to rise and summer has officially begun, the temptation and need to go outside can feel even higher than usual. You’ve probably seen tons of advice (including on here) about how spending just a few minutes outdoors, especially during quarantine, can have a huge impact on mental health, but right now, the sunlight and summer as a whole can cause some mixed emotions.


Dealing with Cancelations

As many of other people have probably first-handedly experienced this, there are many summer festivities being cancelled as a result of the current pandemic. There are concerts people have been waiting for months to go to that are being cancelled in split seconds. There are festivals people had made hotel arrangements for, family trips, summer vacations with friends, and beach trips that are now having to be postponed until a later month or even year.


A Walk in the Park

You may have noticed the abundance of people outside as the weather starts getting warmer and days get longer. There’s just something so refreshing about being able to walk outside for the first time...


Nature Photo Contest!

Thank you to everyone who participated in the Nature Photo Contest! Take a peek through the gallery to see all of the photos. The winner’s username is posted in the comments section, so remember...


Getting Outdoors + Photo Contest!

Many of you may have happy memories of hours spent playing outside as kids. As we grow into adolescents and adults, we have more responsibilities with school and work that often keep us indoors....