Tagged: organization


An App to Consider: Medisafe

It can be hard to stick to a schedule. Things change and happen everyday and can throw everything off. It can be even harder to remember to stick to a schedule if you’re feeling overwhelmed, unwell, or depressed, making you likely to forget the more minor things in your schedule.


New Places to Write

If you’re in school, you’re likely aware that the next couple of weeks are devoted to finals. Depending on what kind of classes you’re taking, you may have papers to write.


Building Better Habits

Although it can happen at anytime, there are certain points in the year where it just feels right to reorganize and refresh your routine and lifestyle. There’s the beginning of the year (remember when...


An App to Consider: Medisafe

It can be hard to stick to a schedule. Things change and happen everyday and can throw everything off. It can be even harder to remember to stick to a schedule if you’re feeling...


Ways to Get Organized

Having a clean space and putting things in order have been proven to be calming, even to the point that they can help with anxiety. Sometimes, the most nerve-wracking part about getting organized is...


New Places to Write

If you like, or are interested in writing, you’ve probably heard of National Novel Writing Month, also known as Nanowrimo. Here, writers of all kinds attempt the intense challenge of writing 50,000 words over...


Why Does Organizing Help with Anxiety?

We’ve heard it before (in fact, we’ve even discussed it here): tips to help de-stress and relax often include getting organized. Whether that be through cleaning out your closet, getting a planner, or buying...