Tagged: motivation


A Fresh Start

Although it’s a time for relaxation, summer can easily feel mundane. For those on summer break, the lack of routine or structure can make the days feel like they’re all blurring together, and for those who work from Monday to Friday, even doing work during this time can feel sluggish and slower because of the heat.


Quarantine and Motivation

Since everything has changed around us, I find myself in a “motivational funk.” I find it hard to focus on my online school, keep up with my studies and even write this blog post. My mind is just in other places and its hard not to think about and worry about the things going on in the world around us.

The Power of “I Will” 0

The Power of “I Will”

Words carry meaning. This seems obvious, after all, we use words to communicate, and the way we phrase things and choose what and how we say them can make a big difference. This isn’t just limited to how we communicate with others, but how we talk to ourselves too.


Is Depression In My Genes?

Where does depression come from? Like we talked about before, there are many theories (ideas for why something happens that scientists put together from facts and based on how the world seems to work). There is some...


How a Summer Job Helped My Mental Health

Summer break means a lot of free time, which can give people a chance to relax after a stressful school year. It’s important to be able to take time to recharge, and it can help people prepare for...


Is Depression in My Genes?

Where does depression come from? Like we talked about before, there are many theories (ideas for why something happens that scientists put together from facts and based on how the world seems to work). There is some...


Making Your Activities Count

When you’re struggling with mental illness, it can be very useful to have certain activities where you can divert your attention from unpleasant thoughts and focus on something you enjoy. This could be anything...


Motivation to Move!

We’ve all heard about how exercise can help reduce depressive and anxiety symptoms. However, despite knowing how much it can help, it can still be difficult to find the motivation to get off the...