Tagged: mindfulness


Making Your Activities Count

When you’re struggling with mental illness, it can be very useful to have certain activities where you can divert your attention from unpleasant thoughts and focus on something you enjoy. This could be anything...


Happiness Set Point

There is an idea in psychology that we all have something called a happiness set point. A happiness set point is a term used to describe our general level of happiness, and it is...


Stop, Breathe, Think

  We most likely have all heard about the benefits of walking throughout the day. However, do you know about the importance of paying attention to your breath during the day?  This is something...


How Mindfulness Empowers Us

Being mindful can have huge effects on you life! One way to help increase your mindfulness is to use a mindfulness app on your phone. One we recommend is Calm (iOS or Android) or...



Have you heard of Headspace? Headspace is both a website and an app that helps promote mindfulness in everyday living. We like Headspace because it breaks meditation and mindfulness practices down into easy to digest...



Two questions before we begin: How do you bring happiness to yourself?   How do you spread happiness to others?  These questions can be a little hard to answer, especially if you’ve never thought about...


10 Mindful Minutes

We previously posted about mindfulness.  However, as we start into summer, we thought we could use a small reminder (it’s only 10 minutes!) about ways to practice mindfulness over the extremely busy upcoming months....