

Two questions before we begin:

How do you bring happiness to yourself?  

How do you spread happiness to others? 

The 10 Keys

The 10 Keys Photo credit: www.actionforhappiness.org

These questions can be a little hard to answer, especially if you’ve never thought about it before!  Luckily, there is a cool website called Action for Happiness that focuses on happiness, why we should be happy, and why being happy should be important to us.  The organization’s vision “is a happier world, with fewer people suffering with mental health problems and more people feeling good, functioning well and helping others.”  The website gives you “action steps” to create a happier you and a happier society.

Also worth checking out are the “10 Keys to Happier Living.”  You can find information, resources, questions, and actions to apply the 10 Keys to your life. These 10 Keys have been proven to make people’s lives happier and more fulfilling.

Featured image: frankblacknoir via Compfight cc

Explore the website!  Pick an action and do it.  Tell us about it below.  We’d love to hear from you!



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