Tagged: fear

One hand passing a heart to another 5

Attachment Theory

An interesting contributing factor to how adults form relationships with others can be traced back to attachment theory. This was developed by John Bowlby in 1969; he believed that there are four attachment styles:...


Fight, Flight, Fawn, and Freeze

Most people know the phrase “fight or flight response”. I never knew there were other reactions tied to how people handle situations. Two others that I have recently come to understand are fawn and...


My Experiences with Travel Anxiety

According to Calm Clinic, a mental health information site, travel anxiety varies greatly in causes and its impacts on people. In an article on travel anxiety, the website states that, “Many people have travel anxiety their entire lives. Others may develop the anxiety because of past experiences relating to travel which were anxiety provoking; and some seem to have travel anxiety for no apparent reason at all.”


Making a Tough Decision

Everyone has faced tough, personal decisions since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic. This includes schools and universities, like the small, private university I attend. Many schools, like mine, are under financial strain, and have decided to risk reopening so that they don’t have to close their doors for good.


Conquering a Fear

I used to be a fearless driver. In high school, I was the friend who picked everyone up and drove us to wherever we wanted to go. I would frequently drive hours in different areas of the state or surrounding states to visit friends and just explore. I loved driving and it was where I felt the most calm.


An App Designed to Stop Lunchroom Bullying

Have you ever had to sit by yourself in the lunchroom? Seventeen-year-old Californian Natalie Hampton has—for two whole years—and she’s invented an app to make sure no one else ever has to go through that. When Hampton—an...


Change As A Teacher

Change can be one of the hardest challenges in a person’s life. It might be reassuring to know that everyone experiences some type of drastic change during their lifetime, and in most cases more...


An App Designed to Stop Lunchroom Bullying

Have you ever had to sit by yourself in the lunchroom? Seventeen-year-old Californian Natalie Hampton has—for two whole years—and she’s invented an app to make sure no one else ever has to go through that. When Hampton—an...