Tagged: communication


A Penguin to Talk to

Sometimes, we just need someone to talk to, but for whatever reason, we might need be able to do so. We may feel uncomfortable with the stuff we want to share, or it may...


Addressing One-Sided Friendships

Yesterday, I discussed my experience with one-sided friendships. I went into detail about how I always checked up on my friends, made an effort to make them feel loved and supported, and was a shoulder for them...


Reciprocated Friendships

Recently, I have been feeling down because I felt as though the people in my life did not care about me. No one ever checks up on me, and I was always the one...


Some Social Media Stats

It’s almost pointless to constantly discuss the effect that social media has on our interactions and communication without having the information to back it up. There are almost always surveys and polls released to...


The Art and Harm of Subtweeting

The art of subtweeting isn’t a particularly difficult one. It involves posting something on social media (usually Twitter) that’s most likely negative, most likely about someone you know, but always indirect. No names are...


Social Media as a Resource

In the never-ending debate on the pros and cons of social media, particularly on mental health, we don’t seem to talk as much about how we can use social media as an outlet. While...