Tagged: communicating


What Does Privacy Mean to You?

What does privacy mean to you when it comes to Social Media? What does it mean to you when something is on Facebook or another social media website? Is anything truly private once it’s...


Emotional First-Aid

Why is it important to heal your emotions? During his practice, Guy Winch, a licensed psychologist and author, noticed how most cultures value the body over the mind. He points out that we experience more...


Therapy Options

KidsMentalHealth.org is a great place to start when considering family therapy or if you have questions about how therapy can help you or if you wanted to have family therapy. There are many pages on...


Likes, Comments, & Shares – Social Currency

  http://millennialceo.com/influence-social-currency/ Social media has connected the world unlike anything else ever has.  You can keep in contact with friends and family with ease as while as share individual experiences with the world.  Social...


I’m Not Clicking with My Therapist

You’ve decided to get professional help for the depression and anxiety you’ve been dealing with these last couple of months. After a few appointments with your new therapist, you feel like things just aren’t...


Celebrity Quotes about Mental Health

A very effective way to get rid of the stigma surrounding mental illness is to simply talk about it. Because our culture puts a big emphasis on pop culture, when celebrities open up about...


Side effects of antidepressants

Although antidepressants are one of the ways to help adolescents with depression or anxiety feel better mentally and socially, there are also some other physical attributes to them that may tag along, too. With antidepressants,...


Giving your Profile an Update

Maybe you’ve already noticed that some folks have images beside their nicknames here on the SOVA website. We want everyone to be able to have a photo there! Remember something that will not identify...