Tagged: college


Embracing Failure

“If you’re not failing, it probably means you’re not taking enough risks.” Those are the words of Peter Forkner, director of the counseling center at Bentley University in Waltham, Massachusetts, at a recent event...



The blog post includes mentions of suicide and verbal and physical abuse. Please read with caution if any of these items triggers or upsets you. February 21, 2018 was the day I survived my suicide...


A Quick Guide to Depression in Teens

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) starts out by writing: You are not alone.  There are ways you can feel better. The NIMH has a lot of great educational information on their website,...


Transition Year

If you plan to go to college, this transition can be one of the largest transitions that will happen in your life. Every aspect of it is new, and it can come with many...


A’s and B’s

Thinking about starting therapy can be overwhelming if your grades are suffering. How can you afford to go to all of the sessions? Especially if you have to miss school? Do you really have...