Think Before You Post


Photo Credit: Ronsel via Compfight cc

Have you ever stopped to think about how what you post may affect your peers’ feelings? It is important to remember that although you are entitled to your own opinion, posting about it may be a bad idea. Hurting someone’s feelings with a status post happens more than you think. Here are a few ways to reflect on what you post so that this does not happen.

  1. Make sure there are no derogatory words or phrases in your posts.
  2. Think to yourself, “How might the post make other people feel?”
  3. Do not shut down other people’s opinions or values even if you think they are wrong.
  4. Is your post bullying or harassing someone or a group of people?

Let us know about a time you thought it was best to rephrase a post so that it did not hurt someone’s feelings!

Sunflowerdreams ★

I love cats and exercising is awesome!

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