Beige background with art of three (3) black people. The center person has white text over the face that says Black Lives Matter. Below, in brown text the phrase Black Mental Health Matters in all capital letters 0

Mental Health Resources for Black Youth

It can be difficult to find resources for mental health resources that feel like they’re targeted to you. This is particularly true for minorities and underprivileged groups. Racial and ethnic minorities have less access...

Street art on brick. Art is of a hand with white skin holding a phone. The hand has a silver ring on the ring finger and is wearing a dark yellow sweater. Over the phone is a red message box with a heart and the number 1. 0

Likes, Comments, & Shares – Social Currency

Social media has connected the world unlike anything else ever has. You can keep in contact with friends and family with ease as while as share individual experiences with the world. Social media has undeniably changed how we all interact with one another, but can it also lead to negative outcomes?

Love to Travel 3

Love to Travel

Do you daydream of crystal blue waters, endless streets bursting with culture and history, and beautiful mountains expanding miles behind the horizon? Is your mouth watering at the thought of authentic southern spices and...

This is a photo of a mirror reflecting white clouds and a blue sky. 2

A gentle reminder of empathy.

Sometimes we share with folks our struggles and pain.  In response, sometimes we get the shoulder we need to cry on, sometimes we get the understanding nod, sometimes we get the dreaded statements that...

neon lights spell out "this must be the place". Background is geometric art. Art is red, aqua, and a dusty pink. 4

Finding a Therapist Who Relates to You

The mental health profession, unfortunately, lacks diversity. The American Psychological Association found that 86% of practitioners are white, with other races making up less than 5% each. In a nation that continues to not...

white background with an orange circle. A white, stylized microphone is in the center. 2

The Hunt for Podcasts

Podcasts have boosted in popularity in recent years. Pretty much anyone can start one, about any topic, and talk for as long as they want about it, with a few tangents and distractions here...

A video controller is centered in a circle split into two halfs of light blue and dark blue 3

Video Games about Mental Health

More often than not, people have a negative view of video games and its relationship with mental health. Video games are often associated with addiction and seen as a poor coping mechanism. Those who...

Cross-section of a head with a squiggle in side of the skull instead of a brain; background is sky blue 2

Challenging Cognitive Distortions

Cognitive distortions are negative thought patterns that often lead to feelings of anxiety and depression. Distortions are typically conclusions that we jump to without considering all of the available evidence. They can be irrational...