When talking about being an introvert I don’t want to make it seem like I struggle to communicate to people because I really don’t. Due to different life circumstances, I am a bit skeptical about people’s intentions and what they may want from me.

“It takes me a couple of months to even want to talk about myself and at the same time I’m still trying to find out who that even is.”
When I meet someone that seems interested in me, and they are super excited to get to know me, I see it as a red flag. Anyone overly excited or anyone who wants to meet up in a short time I automatically am skeptical about. I don’t like meeting up with people from class etc., unless there’s a reason behind it. I wish people were more honest and unfortunately, I’ve come across a lot of dishonest people that have made me put my guard up. A part of me feels guilty because I seem distant or uninterested to those I do take interest in, but truth is I really don’t want them to know. I can be outspoken at times but it takes a while to get there. Not sure why people like rushing to get to know people. It takes me a couple of months to even want to talk about myself and at the same time I’m still trying to find out who that even is.
Would I like to start putting myself out there more ? I mean yes, of course, but I don’t like parties, I don’t like crowded areas. I don’t use certain lingo and I’m super quiet . This society is all about show and tell, and I really don’t like to do a lot of the show and telling and that’s the disconnect that I observe through all my interactions. It’s confusing for me because “post it or it didn’t happen” remains a true thing . I’d like friends and loved ones to remain in a bubble not everywhere . The world is strange and sometimes I do feel misunderstood.
Do you identify as an introvert? What are some ways you communicate and relate to others?
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